Naslov (srp)

Платформа за управљање енергетски ефикасним зградама и обезбеђивање флексибилности крајње потрошње електричне енергије


Berbakov, Lazar
Janev, Valentina
Jelić, Marko
Jelić, Dea
Tomašević, Nikola

Opis (eng)

In the domain of building energy management, current systems are facing significant challenges that impede their efficiency and sustainability. A major issue lies in the static nature of these systems, which often fail to adapt dynamically to changing energy needs, leading to substantial energy inefficiency and escalated operational costs. A critical gap in these systems is the underutilization and inefficient integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Properly harnessed, these resources have the potential to significantly enhance the flexibility and sustainability of building energy systems. However, the current models struggle to effectively integrate these resources, resulting in missed opportunities for optimizing energy consumption and supply. Moreover, the implementation of smart grid technologies into building operations introduces complex challenges, notably in data management. Ensuring efficient handling of vast data volumes while complying with stringent regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a daunting task. This is compounded by the need to integrate diverse energy sources and consumption patterns within buildings, requiring sophisticated and cohesive energy management strategies. These challenges underscore the urgent need for a sophisticated solution capable of addressing the inefficiencies in building energy management. The envisioned technical solution seeks to leverage advanced technologies and data analytics to revolutionize the approach to building energy management and demand response systems. The goal is to create an adaptive, efficient, and sustainable operational model that aligns with modern environmental goals and energy requirements.






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Обновљиви извори енергије, интеграција података, платформа за управљање, флексибилна потрошња, оптимизација

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:28323 Radovi Instituta "Mihajlo Pupin"