Naslov (eng)



Beganović, Džemila
Alcan, Melisa
Hasanbegović, Enis
Zećirović, Lejla

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: City branding has become a popular area of research in spatial sociology, as a result of global urbanization of society, as well as a new phase of capitalism. Belgrade has enjoyed the title of the capital of nightlife of Eastern Europe for over a decade, and that “new Berlin” image was cretead completely organically - with no strategy, promotion, urban management, or even a clear plan on the part of tourist organizations. This paper aims at examining the potential and posibilities, as well as problems and potential hurdles on the path of building on, and highlighting the aforementioned potential, provided that a longterm plan and a strategy to promote and brand the city was put into effect. It will explore how taking these steps would affect the overall improvement of the city, its tourism and economy, as well as the impact they would have on the fulfillment of the socio-cultural needs of its inhabitants. The goal is to examine the general traits of city branding as well as the popularity and relevance of Belgrade nightlife, for tourists and migrants, as well as the local population, and eventually provide a concrete branding process plan. This entire process would consist of detailed analysis, research, interviews, as well as the mapping of current hotspots credited with creating this image of Balkan nightlife epicenter. Finally, it aims to develop a branding and development vision, utilizing all the modern instruments for urban management, and therefore secure Belgrade’s competitive advantage on the market.






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Keywords: Belgrade, branding, city, nightlife, urban management.

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o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru