Naslov (srp)

Problemi ekonomske i društvene tranzicije u naučnom opusu profesora Božidara Cerovića


Praščević, Aleksandra

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Rad je posvećen temama ekonomske i društvene tranzicije kroz predstavlja- nje i analizu naučnog opusa profesora Božidara Cerovića. Ove teme su veoma brzo pre- vazišle početno interesovanje za tzv. „tvrdo jezgro” tranzicije – privatizaciju i liberali- zaciju, uključujući probleme izgradnje institucija, vezu političkih i ekonomskih reformi, uticaj ekonomske tranzicije na socijalnu sigurnost i siromaštvo, promene u performan- sama privatizovanih i restrukturiranih preduzeća, izbor modela rasta u tranzicionim ekonomijama, itd. One su u ovom radu analizirane fokusiranjem naučnih radova jednog od pionira ove oblasti u ekonomskoj nauci Srbije, profesora Božidara Cerovića. Njegov kritički pristup preduzetim tranzicionim politikama u većini bivših socijalističkih zema- lja, ocene ovih procesa nakon prve i druge decenije realizacije, kao i naročito detaljno analiziranje specifičnosti stanja i procesa ekonomske tranzicije u Srbiji pružilo je zna- čajan doprinos razvoju naučnog područja ekonomske tranzicije. U tom smislu je važno istaći njegovo istraživanje koje uključuje period transformacije samoupravnog sistema i stvaranja mešovite privrede 1990-ih, politički motivisane greške u ovom procesu, zastoj tokom ratnih sukoba i dezintegracije SFRJ, kao i greške kreatora tranzicione politike nakon političkih reformi 2000. godine, a koje uključuju izbor modela privatizacije i nea- dekvatnog modela rasta.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The paper deals with the topics of economic and social transition through the presentation and analysis of the scientific opus of Professor Bozidar Cerović. These topics quickly exceeded the initial interest in the so-called „hard-core” of transition - privatization and liberalization, including the problems of institution building, the link between political and economic reforms, the impact of economic transition on social security and poverty, changes in the performance of privatized and restructured enterprises, the choice of growth models in transition economies, etc. In this paper, they were analyzed by focusing on the scientific opus of one of the pioneers of this field in the economic science of Serbia - Professor Bozidar Cerović. His critical approach to transitional policies undertaken in most of the former socialist countries, the evaluation of these processes after the first and second decades of realization, as well as his particularly detailed analysis of the specificities of the state and process of economic transition in Serbia, provided a significant contribution to the development of the scientific field of economic transition. In this regard, it is important to highlight his research, which includes the period of transformation of the self-governing system and the creation of a mixed economy in the 1990s, politically motivated mistakes in this process, the stalemate during the conflict and disintegration of the SFRY, as well as the mistakes of the transitional policy makers after the political reforms in 2000 which include the choice of a privatization model and an inadequate growth model.






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Key Words: Economic Transition, Privatization, Growth Models of Transitional Economies

Ključne reči: ekonomika tranzicije, privatizacija, modeli rasta tranziconih ekonomija

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