Uticaj promene biosfere u Panonskom basenu na lokalnu i regionalnu klimu tokom prolećnih, letnjih i jesenjih meseci : doktorska disertacija
The influence of terrestrial vegetation on developments in the surface and planetary boundarylayer of the atmosphere has great importance for the study of weather and climatic conditions in theEarth's climate system. Terrestrial vegetation as an integral part of the Earth's climate system has agreat influence on the exchange of energy between the land and the atmosphere and consequently asignificant role in defining weather and climate patterns globally, regionally and locally. However, dueto the constant anthropogenic impact, this vegetation system is constantly changing and it is verycomplicated to present it during research as well as its impact on the Earth's Climate System.The aim of this study is to study the impact of regional vegetation change on the seasonal airtemperature near the Earth's surface and was performed using the global climate model MPI-ESM(Max Planck Institute - Earth System Model). The region of our research is located in the Pannonianbasin and is one of many regions in which the anthropogenic impact on geophysical changes in theenvironment is great. The research was conducted for a ten-year period from 2002 to 2011.The change in the concentration of CF types that we performed in our study unequivocallyshows that it has led to an increase in decadal values of mean seasonal air temperatures: near theEarth's surface (T2m) and air temperature in the lower atmosphere (Tlev) both locally and at the regionallevel. However, there were also significant changes in the trends of average seasonal values: airtemperature near the Earth's surface (YT2m), sensory heat flux (YFh), latent heat flux (YFl), surfacealbedo (Ya), cloud cover (YOb) and soil water content (YSW). We managed to achieve the trend of aircooling in the summer season, while in the spring we got the trend of heating the ground air, and for theautumn season we got the trend of heating and cooling the air. The change in the YT2m trend wasmainly due to a change in surface albedo as well as due to a change in cloud cover. The trend of aircooling that we received for the summer season is represented mainly in the northern and central areasof the Pannonian basin, while for the southern area we received a trend of warming.For the spring season, we mainly obtained a mean positive linear correlation between the meanmonthly values of air temperature T2m and the mean monthly values of the sensory heat flux Fh. For thesummer season we mostly got that medium and strong linear correlation while for the autumn seasonwe got weak positive and weak negative linear correlation.Through our research, we have achieved the set goal and shown that there is a significantanthropogenic impact on climate change at both local and regional levels. We have shown that we canmitigate warming in the summer season as well as accelerate the increase in ground air temperature inthe spring season while we have achieved both cooling and warming for the autumn season...
Uticaj kopnene vegetacije na fizičke procese u površinskom i planetarnom graničnom slojuatmosfere je od velikog značaja za izučavanje vremenskih i klimatskih uslova u klimatskom sistemuZemlje. Kopnena vegetacija, kao sastavni deo klimatskog sistema Zemlje, ima veliki uticaj na razmenuenergije između kopna i atmosfere, a usled toga i značajnu ulogu u definisanju vremenskih i klimatskihobrazaca, kako na globalnom, tako i na regionalnom i lokalnom nivou. Međutim, usled konstantnogantropogenog uticaja, ali i zbog sopstvene dinamike, ovaj vegetacioni sistem se stalno menja i veomaga je komplikovano predstaviti, kao i njegov uticaj na klimatski sistem Zemlje.Cilj ovog istraživanja je proučavanje uticaja regionalne promene vegetacije na sezonskutemperaturu vazduha u blizini Zemljine površine. Istraživanje je urađeno upotrebom globalnogklimatskog modela MPI-ESM (Max Planck Institute - Earth System Model). Oblast ovog istraživanja jesmeštena u Panonskom basenu koji predstavlja jedan od mnogih regiona u kome je antropogeni uticajna geofizičke promene životne sredine veliki. Vremenski okvir unutar koga su rađeni numeričkieksperimenti MPI-ESM modelom je pokrivao period od 2002. do 2011. godine.Izmena zastupljenosti tipova šumske, travnate i poljoprivredne vegetacije koja je izvedena uistraživanju nedvosmisleno pokazuje da je došlo do povećanja dekadnih vrednosti srednjih sezonskihtemperatura vazduha u blizini Zemljine površine (T2m) i temperature vazduha u nižim slojevimaatmosfere (Tlev), kako na lokalnom tako i na regionalnom nivou. Međutim, došlo je i do značajnihpromena u trendovima srednjih sezonskih vrednosti: temperature vazduha u blizini Zemljine površine(YT2m), fluksa osetne toplote (YFh), fluksa latentne toplote (YFl), površinskog albeda (Ya) i oblačnosti(YOb). Postignut je trend hlađenja vazduha u letnjoj sezoni, dok je u prolećnoj postignut trendzagrevanja prizemnog vazduha, a za jesenju sezonu dobijeni su trendovi zagrevanja i hlađenja vazduha.Promena trenda YT2m je uglavnom dobijena usled promene u površinskom albedu, kao i usled promeneoblačnosti. Trend hlađenja vazduha za letnju sezonu je zastupljen uglavnom u severnim i centralnimoblastima Panonskog basena dok je u južnoj oblasti zabeležen trend zagrevanja.Ovim istraživanjem je postignut postavljeni cilj, odnosno potvrđeno je da postoji značajanantropogeni uticaj na promenu klimatskih uslova, kako na lokalnom, tako i na regionalnom nivou,usled geofizičkih uticaja na kopnenu vegetaciju. Pokazalo se da izmenom vegetacije na površinimožemo ublažiti zagrevanje u letnjoj sezoni, kao i da ubrzamo povećanje prizemne temperaturevazduha u prolećnoj sezoni, dok je za jesenju sezonu postignuto i hlađenje i zagrevanje.
Meteorologija - Klimatologija i modelovanje klimatskih hazarda / Meteorology - Climatology and numerical modeling Datum odbrane: 08.07.2022.
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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AT - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 3.0 Austria License.
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Regionalna klimatologija
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Regionalna klimatologija