Naslov (ara)

Kitab mawduat ala l-Qari


an-Nagari, Ali ibn Sultan Muhammad

Opis (eng)

A hadith is a saying or narration of the Prophet's speech, deed, or approval or disapproval - whether spoken or tacit - about something. The hadiths have been learned by heart by the Muslims, later recorded, authenticated and handed down to further generations through the centuries. Next to the revelation of the Quran is this the greatest miracle of Islam, for which there is no equivalent anywhere. Authentic traditions with chains of transmissions, critically and thoroughly examined by Muslim scholars and experts of hadith science, preserved and taught to the present day. Year of publishing: 1811/12.

Opis (srp)

Hadis je izreka ili pripovest o govoru, delu proroka Muhameda, ili njegovo odobravanje ili neodobravanje, izgovoreno ili prećutno, o nečemu. Muslimani napamet uče hadise koji su kasnije zabeleženi, kojima je utvrđena pouzdanost i koji su vekovima prenošeni narednim pokolenjima. Pored otkrovenja Kurana, ovo je najveće čudo islama jer nigde ne postoji ništa slično. Pouzdani hadisi sa lancem prenosa koje su islamski naučnici i stručnjaci za hadis kritički i podrobno ispitali, sačuvani su i uče se i dan-danas. Godina izdavanja: 1811/12.






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