Naslov (ara)

Ar-Risala aš-šamsiyya fi l-qawaid al-mantiqiyya (Hašiyatu Dawud)


, Dawud


ibn Mahmud, Husayn

Opis (eng)

Islamic logic was inspired primarily by Aristotle's logical corpus, the Organon (which according to a late Greek taxonomy also included the Rhetoric and Poetics). Islamic authors were also familiar with some elements in Stoic logic and linguistic theory, and their logical sources included not only Aristotle's own works but also the works of the late Greek Aristotelian commentators, the Isagogof Porphyry and the logical writings of Galen. However, most of the logical work of the Islamic philosophers remained squarely within the tradition of Aristotelian logic, and most of their writings in this area were in the form of commentaries on Aristotle. For the Islamic philosophers, logic included not only the study of formal patterns of inference and their validity but also elements of the philosophy of language and even of epistemology and metaphysics. Because of territorial disputes with the Arabic grammarians, Islamic philosophers were very interested in working out the relationship between logic and language, and they devoted much discussion to the question of the subject matter and aims of logic in relation to reasoning and speech. Year of publishing: 1677.

Opis (srp)

Islamska logika je nadahnuta pre svega Aristotelovim logičkim korpusom, Organonom (koji je na osnovu pozne grčke taksonomije podrazumevala i Retoriku i Poetiku). Islamski autori su bili upućeni i u neke elemente stoičke logike i u lingvističku teoriju, a njihovi logički izvori nisu podrazumevali samo Aristotelova dela već i dela poznih grčkih komentatora Aristotela, Isagoga Porfirija i Galenove logičke spise. Međutim, većina logičkih dela islamskih filozofa ostala je upravo u okvirima Aristotelove logike i većina njihovih spisa u ovoj oblasti bila je u formi komentara Aristotela. Za islamske filozofe logika nije podrazumevala samo izučavanje formalnih obrazaca zaključivanja i njihovu valjanost već i elemente filozofije jezika pa čak i epistemologije i metafizike. Usled teritorijalnih razmirica sa arapskim gramatičarima, islamski filozofi su bili prilično zainteresovani za izradu odnosa između logike i jezika pa su veliki broj rasprava posvetili pitanju predmeta i ciljevima logike u odnosu na razmišljanje i govor. Godina izdavanja: 1677.






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