Naslov (srp)

Есејистичко дело Миодрага Павловића : докторска дисертација


Radonić, Maja, 1964-


Delić, Jovan, 1949-
Radikić, Vasilije
Petrović, Predrag, 1975-

Opis (eng)

The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to present, describe and explain the rich essayistic work of Miodrag Pavlovic, to establish a connection between his poetics and poetry as well as to evaluate the contribution od Miodrag Pavlovic´s essay writing to our literature and literary thought. Chapter One Poetics, Tradition, Continuity examines theoretical fundaments of Pavlovic´s re-evaluation of the Serbian artistic poetic tradition, realised in his Anthology of Serbian Poetry, the cultural and historical context of its creation, its two forewords, the structure and the influence it exerted on Serbian literary thought. Chapter Two Re-Evaluation of the Serbian Artistic Poetic Tradition investigates Pavlovic´s critical-essayistic opus on poets of the Serbian artistic poetic tradition, from the classicist Sterija, to poets of romanticism, modernism, the period between the wars and the contemporary modernist poet Vasko Popa, up to Matija Beckovic. In Chapter Three, A Treasury of the Serbian Literary Tradition, the dissertation focuses on Pavlovic´s original insights and comprehensions of the ancient Serbian and folk poetry which in Pavlovic´s essays are presented as a treasury of original poetic symbols of Serbian literature and culture. Chapter Four of the thesis From the World Literature presents Pavlovic´s study – foreword to the anthology Poetry of European Romanticism as well as essays on significant poets of world literature from Dante to the modernists. In Chapter Five Cultural and Anthropological Thought, the focus is on the questions with which Pavlovic deals in his essays on myth, religion and mutual connections between different cultures, crossing the diachronic and synchronic perspectives and building an original and, at the same time, universal view on the questions of human spirituality from the ancient times to nowadays, which represent, together with the essays on painters, a specific prologue to his later research work on the relation of painting and literature.

Opis (srp)

Osnovni zadatak ove dokt. disertacije jeste da predstavi, opiše i interpretira bogato esejističko delo Miodraga Pavlovića, da ga dovede u vezu sa njegovom poetikom i poezijom...

Opis (srp)

Srpska književnost - Srpska književnost XX veka / Serbian literature- Serbian literature of the 20th century Datum odbrane: 24.10.2013.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Srpska književnost (studije)

essayistic opus, tradition, poetics, continuity, poetry, modernism,evaluation, rite, myth, creation

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Srpska književnost (studije)

esejistika, tradicija, poetika, kontinuitet, poezija, modernost, vrednovanje, obred, mit, stvaranje