Naslov (srp)

Хлеб и вино као евхаристијска жртва : докторска дисертација


Ubiparipović, Srboljub D., 1979-


Milošević, Nenad, 1961-
Vukašinović, Vladimir, 1967-
Vojvodić, Dragan, 1959-

Opis (eng)

Despite actual scientific presumption which, chronologically observing, still assuming to recognize an initial “moment” or “act” of a proposed offering, it is obvious that it is impossible to think about a man without an act of sacrifice. Godlike human being is, above anything else, a creature who sacrifices. Therefore, it is not surprising fact that among the most common sacrificial offerings of the human kind it has been always bread and wine, as basic symbols of human body structure, i.e. his life preservation manner. The finishing element of almost every sacrificial offering is presented at eating. In the history of human kind there were not even one civilization who in process of - making bread and wine, eating, as well as in other forms of worldly being, did not see the parallel dimension of worldly existence – physiological and sacred rite. Therefore the bread, either leavened or unleavened, and the wine, mostly red one, are shown as the most representative first fruits of human, which is said in images of its body and blood, or on the other side, widely thinking, pretreatments of total substance. The worshiping act of the old Israel was not much different from commonly known religious life of man. But again, one of the most dominant functions in the worshiping life of the Jews was the sacrificing of bread and wine. Temporary character of the Old Testament reached its end at the moment when it’s sacrificial offering orientation definitely immersed in empty formalism and gave priority to the appearances detrimentally to essential designation of holy genus – hypocrisy of proclamation of faith in Truly God. By the incarnation of the Only Begotten Sun as the Heavenly Bread and the Vine of the Immortality has been announced a completely new level of being of the all-created beings. Bread, wine and eating have been noted as sacred characters and expressions of the Great Mystery of Godliness (IJὸ ȝυıIJήρȚοȞ), by the Jesus Christ. By gathering the apostles at festal...

Opis (srp)

Упркос актуелним научним претпоставкама, које, хронолошки посматрано,и даље настоје да препознају изворни тренутак или чин предлагања приноса, очигледно је да није могуће замислити човеково бивствовање без жртвоприношења...

Opis (srp)

Теологија - Практично богословље / Theology - Practical theology Датум одбране: 24.6.2014.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Hrišćanska teologija

хлеб, вино, евхаристија, жртва, литургија, принос, обед, тело, крв, установа

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Hrišćanska teologija