Faktori uspešnosti usvajanja programskih sadržaja ritmičke gimnastike kod osoba različitog pola : Doktorska disertacija
Moskovljević, Lidija T.
Radisavljević, Lepa
Lazarević, Dušanka
Nedeljković, Aleksandar
Bijelić, Snežana
In this paper the success factors of rhythmic gymnastics syllabus acquisition in persons of different genders have been examined. The objectives of the research were to determine morphological, motor, psychological and musical factors important for successful acquisition of rhythmic gymnastics syllabus in persons of different gender and to examine whether the importance of these success factors is different in persons of different gender. The research was realized in the sample of 58 respondents (29 female and 29 male), students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, aged 20-21. Rhythmic gymnastics syllabus, which involved all the respondents, has been realized during regular classes of Theory and teaching methods of rhythmic gymnastics, in the period of three months continuously. Measurement of morphological, motor and psychological variables was done before the beginning of rhythmic gymnastics program, as an initial measurement, and upon its completion as the final measurement. Musical abilities were estimated within the initial measurement. Estimation of morphological status of the respondents of both genders (body height, sitting height, body mass, body mass index, left leg length, left arm length), as well as the motor status of the respondents of both genders (motor test for balance, flexibility, rhythmic coordination and general coordination, explosive and repetitive muscle strength of leg extensors) was performed. Psychological characteristics of the respondents of both genders were determined with respect to achievement motivation, by means of MOP2002 instrument, characteristics of physical self-concept, by means of Physical Self - Description Questionnaire – PSDQ, and the attitude towards rhythmic gymnastics, by means of the connotative differential instrument (CD-15). Musical abilities estimation of the respondents of both genders was done by means of Seashore test. The level of mastered rhythmic gymnastics program (exercise without apparatus, exercise with the rope, exercise with the ball) by means of an expert’s evaluation, as well as the connection between the observed morphological, motor, psychological and musical variables and the expert’s evaluation of rhythmic gymnastics in respondents of both genders...
U ovom radu ispitivani su faktori uspešnosti usvajanja programskih sadržaja ritmičke gimnastike kod osoba različitog pola. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se utvrde morfološki, motorički, psihološki i muzički faktori, značajni za uspešnost usvajanja programskih sadržaja ritmičke gimnastike kod osoba različitog pola i da se ispita da li je kod osoba različitog pola, značaj tih faktora uspešnosti različit. Istraživanje je realizovano na uzorku od 58 ispitanika (29 ženskog pola i 29 muškog pola), studenata Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, uzrasta 20-21 godina. Programski sadržaji ritmičke gimnastike, u koje su bili uključeni svi ispitanici, realizovani su u okviru redovne nastave na predmetu Teorija i metodika ritmičke gimnastike, kontinuirano u periodu od tri meseca. Merenja morfoloških, motoričkih i psiholoških varijabli izvršena su pre početka programa ritmičke gimnastike, kao inicijalno merenje i po završetku programa, kao finalno merenje. Muzičke sposobnosti su procenjene u okviru inicijalnog merenja. Izvršena je procena morfološkog statusa ispitanika oba pola (telesna visina, sedeća visina, telesna masa, body mass index, dužina leve noge, dužina leve ruke) i motoričkog statusa ispitanika oba pola (motorički testovi za procenu ravnoteže, gipkosti, koordinacije u ritmu i opšte koordinacije, eksplozivne i repetitivne snage mišića opružača nogu). Utvrđene su psihološke karakteristike ispitanika oba pola u pogledu motivacije postignuća, pomoću instrumenta MOP2002, karakteristika fizičkog self-koncepta, pomoću Upitnika fizičkog samoopisivanja (Physical Self Description Questionnaire-PSDQ) i stava prema ritmičkoj gimnastici, pomoću instrumenta Konotativni diferencijal (CD-15). Procena muzičkih sposobnosti ispitanika oba pola izvršena je pomoću Sišor testa. Utvrđen je nivo savladanosti programskih sadržaja ritmičke gimnastike (sastav bez rekvizita, sastav vijačom, sastav loptom) putem ekspertske ocene, kao i povezanost između praćenih morfoloških, motoričkih, psiholoških i muzičkih varijabli i ekspertske ocene iz ritmičke gimnastike kod ispitanika oba pola...
Fizičko vaspitanje i Sport - Teorija i Tehnologija sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja / Physical education and Sport- Theory and Technology of sport and physical education Datum odbrane : 11.10.2013
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