Naslov (srp)

Merenje agilnosti u različito definisanim uslovima : Doktorska disertacija


Grbović, Miljan


Kukolj, Miloš
Radojević, Jaroslava
Obradović, Jelena

Opis (srp)

Agilnost predstavlja kompleksno motoričko svojstvo u čijem ispoljavanju određenu ulogu imaju druge motoričke sposobnosti, kao što su jačina, snaga, brzina i dr. U suštini, agilnost je kretanje karakteristično po promeni brzine (ubrzanje, usporenje),pravca i smera kretanja. S obzirom da se procena agilnosti vrši testovima različitim potrajanju i složenosti kretanja, važno je ispitati kakav je intenzitet i karakter veza između strukturnih elemenata agilnosti (jačine, snage, brzine) u uslovima primene različitih testova za procenu agilnosti. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima nema saglasnosti o međusobnoj povezanosti agilnosti i drugih motoričkih svojstava. Sem toga nisu utvrđeni povezanost i karakter povezanosti morfoloških karakteristika i rezultata u testovima za procenu agilnosti. Osnovni cilj u ovom istraživanju bio je da se utvrdi intenzitet i karakter veza između određenih morfoloških karakteristika, izabranih motoričkih sposo bnosti i agilnosti. Istraživanje agilnosti izvršeno je na uzorku 113 studenata Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu. Primenjen je eksperiment transverzalnog karaktera u kojem su praćene interakcije morfoloških karakteristika i mot ričkih sposobnosti u odnosu na rezultate u različitim testovima za procenu agilnosti. Za procenu interakcija morfoloških karakteristika praćeni su podaci o visini tela, masi tela, mišićnoj masi, mastima i indeksu telesne mase. Procena interakcija motoričkih sposobnosti vršena je na osnovu pokazatelja jačine mišića (maksimalna jačina mišića opružača i pregibača u zglobu kolena, brzina razvoja jačine mišića opružača i pregibača u zglobu kolena), zatim na osnovu pokazatelja snage mišića nogu (skok uvis, skok uvis iz polučučnja, skok uvis nakon saskoka, troskok, Margaria test), kao i na osnovu pokazatelja brzine trčanja na 20 metara (sa merenjem vremena prolaska na 10 metara od linije starta). Procena agilnosti vršena je testovima trčanja koja se, inače, korist za procenu agilnosti, ali koja se međusobno razlikuju po načinu kretanja, složenosti i trajanju kretanja (T test, 505, Cik -cak, 4 x 5 m i 10 x 5 m). Sve procedure merenja i svi protokoli testiranja bili su u skladu sa standardnim metodološkim zahtevima koji se odnose na ovu vrstu istraživanja. Ispitanicima je objašnjen cilj istraživanja, kao i protokoli za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti i agilnosti. Rezultati istraživanja doprinose rešavanju postavljenog cilja i u funkciji su određenja prema hipotezama. Najvažniji nalazi u ovom istraživanju sugerišu da morfološke karakteristike neposredno otežavaju ispoljavanje agilnosti. Otežavanje ispoljavanja agilnosti posledica je uloge mase tela, kao inercionog faktora, u uslovima ubrzanja, usporenja i promene smera kretnja...

Opis (srp)

Fizičko vaspitanje i sport - Opšta motorika čoveka / Physical Education and Sports - General Human Motoric Datum odbrane: 21.06.2013.

Opis (eng)

Agility represents a complex motor ability, in whose display other motor skills, such as strength, power, speed, etc. have a specific role. In essence, agility is movement characterized by a change in velocity (acceleration, decelera tion), and direction of movement. Given that the assessment of agility is done by tests of different duration and complexity of the movement, it is important to explore the relationship between the structural elements of agility (strength, power, speed) when assessed by agility tests. In previous researches there has been no agreement on mutual correlation between agility and other motor features. Moreover, no correlation or the character of correlation was determined between the morphological characteris tics and the results of agility tests. The main objective of this research was to examine the intensity and character of the relationship between certain morphological characteristics, selected motor skills and agility. The study on agility was performed o n the sample of 113 students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade. A transversal design was applied, in which interaction of morphological characteristics and motor abilities were monitored with respect to the results obta ined in various agility tests. To assess the interaction of morphological characteristics, data on height, body mass, muscle mass, fat, and body mass index were observed. Assessment of motor ability interaction was performed on the basis of indicators of m uscle strength (maximal strength of knee extensor and flexor muscles, and their rate of force development), then based on the indicators of the leg muscles explosive power (vertical jump, vertical jump from half squat, countermovement jump, triple jump, Ma rgaria test), and based on the indicators of running speed at 20 meters (measuring lap time at 10 meters from the starting line). The assessment of the agility was performed applying various standard agility tests, of different duration and moving pattern (t - test, 505, zigzag, 4 x 5m and 5 x 10m). All measurement procedures and all testing protocols were in accordance with the standard methodological requirements that apply to this type of research. Tested individuals were explained the objective of the research, as well as protocols for the evaluation of motor skills and agility. Research results contribute to resolving the research objectives and they serve to determine the definition of the hypotheses. The most important findings in this research suggest that the morphological characteristics are negatively related to the agility. This could be the result of the role of body mass as inertial factor, in terms of acceleration, deceleration and change of direction...






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