Naslov (eng)

Administrative barriers and trade capacity building : dissertation

Naslov (srp)

Administrativne barijere i izgradnja institucionalnog kapaciteta u međunarodnoj trgovini : doktorska disertacija


Popović-Petrović, Ivana R., 1973-


Bjelić, Predrag, 1974-

Opis (srp)

Tokom druge polovine 20. veka, uloga medjunarodne trgovine je bila od sustinskog znacaja za odvijanje razvojnog procesa u mnogim zemljama, kao i povecanja njihove konkurentnosti na svetskom trzistu. Razvojni proces je uslov za ostvarenje privrednog rasta, a u slucaju mnogih Zemalja u razvoju, bitan je zbog uticaja na smanjenje siromastva. Bez obzira na tako znacajnu ulogu, medjunarodna trgovina je tokom proslog veka bila ogranicavana velikim brojem barijera i to u obliku carina, ali i necarinskih barijera...

Opis (srp)

Drustvene nauke - Medjunarodni ekonomski odnosi / Social sciences - International economic relations Datume odbrane: 09. april 2013.

Opis (eng)

International trade, especially during the second half of the 20th century, has played an essential role in many countries` development process as well as in increasing their competitiveness in the world market. Development process is a precondition for fostering economic growth and for many developing countries, it is important since it affect the reduction of poverty. Despite such an essential role, international trade was limited by a large number of tariff and non-tariff barriers during the last century. Today, some of these non-tariff barriers have become „less visible― and they have emerged as a consequence of insufficiently efficient and effective work of customs administrations as well as other border administration necessary for making foreign trade transactions. Consequently, their implementation has incurred high transaction costs which reduce international trade. These barriers are called administrative procedural non-tariff barriers and although new Agreement on Trade Facilitation is under way, after WTO Draft Consolidated Negotiating Text on Trade Facilitation has been announced, they are still not regulated at a multilateral level. Trade Facilitation is related to many policies under negotiation at the WTO and the aim of that initiative is to facilitate trade expansion, reduce trade transaction costs as well as to streamline of clearance procedures and meet new international security requirements. Infrastructure development which consists of transport and trade infrastructure, also known as „hard― and „soft― infrastructure, has in last few decades been a major factor in reducing trade transaction costs thus diminishing the administrative procedural nontariff barriers impact on international trade. The process of improving trade infrastructure is called Trade Capacity Building. This complex process is related to the modernization of customs administration all around the world, especially in the Developing countires. A lack of funds for that purpose has motivated the launch of the new programme, the Aid for Trade.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Međunarodni ekonomski odnosi. Globalna ekonomija

medjunarodna trgovina, administrativne necarinske barijere, olaksavanje medjunarodne trgovine, izgradnja trgovinskog kapaciteta, program pomoci za razvoj medjunarodne trgovine

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Međunarodni ekonomski odnosi. Globalna ekonomija

international trade, administrative non-tariff barriers, trade facilitation, trade capacity building, aid for trade