Модел B2B интеграције саобраћајних пословних система : докторска дисертација
Janković, Slađana. 1978-
Radenković, Božidar. 1958-
Zrakić, Marijana Despotović-
Stanojević, Milorad, 1947-
The subject of this dissertation is to define a methodology and a model of interoperable e-business of the traffic business systems based on their B2B (Business to Business) integration in the cloud computing technology environment. The survey was adapted for use in transportation businesses in Serbia. Traffic and transportation systems are heterogeneous systems that share information in their operation. Some of the causes of non-interoperable e-business can be found in the fact that transportation business systems develop, maintain and update databases that are relevant for other traffic systems; in the databases that they use, the same entities are modeled from the real system, using different methodologies and tools; update own database by downloading information from the databases of other transportation business systems; due to the inability to exchange data at the level of information systems, they download the data manually, which causes a delay in updating the data; maintain and update the entire databases that are not relevant to them in order to occasionally generate statistical reports; making business decisions about common issues based on syntactically and semantically incompatible reports. The literature often describes four types of B2B integration: information integration, user interface-based integration – portal integration, business process integration and integration of services. In this dissertation we perform the analyzes the existing and development of the new models of B2B integration of traffic business systems based on combining the four listed types of integration. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) of the traffic and transport information systems provides interoperability at the application level and the level of business processes, while at the semantic level interoperability is provided by creating a common domain ontology and development of a common data model based on the domain ontology. SOA and integration of the traffic and transportation applications is implemented by development and use of WCF Data Services (Windows Communication Foundation Data Services) hosted on the cloud computing platform. Model for exchange of information and services that are proposed in this dissertation is based on combining the three models of service delivery from the cloud: Infrastructureas- a-Service, Platform-as-a-service and Software-as-a-service. Development and hosting of a shared database in the cloud, the infrastructure and platform are using as a service, and developing and hosting applications in the cloud are using the platform and software as a service. Implementation of the proposed model consists of development of a Web portal and SQL Azure database in the cloud. The portal provides users with traffic and transportation related applications and informations from the SQL Azure database. Existing applications in the traffic and transportation organizations are addressing WCF Data services from the cloud. By applying the proposed solution, there will be no need for updating and maintaining related databases on the servers of different organizations. Consequently that would reduce the redundancy and ensure the data integrity.
Информационе технологије / Information technologies Датум одбране: 20. 07. 2012
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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 AT - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 2.0 Austria License.
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arhitektura računara
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arhitektura računara
B2B Integration, Interoperability of Traffic Systems, Cloud Computing, SOA