Naslov (eng)

Effective Teaching and Learning of Mathematics through Bridging Theory and Practice


Ilić, Svetlana
Dabić Boričić, Milana
Zeljić, Marijana


Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Compare and combine word problems are used in elementary mathematics as a part of standard teaching practice. Their integration enables creation of various types of word problems with different structure and level of difficulty. One of the main obstacles in solving word problems is the use of superficial strategies in which students directly translate words they have recognized as entities and relations into mathematical operations and expressions, without understanding the situational model of the problem. The aim of this paper is to investigate the use of these strategies in solving integrated compare-combine word problems. For this purpose, we posed word problems with varying correspondences between entity keywords and relations given in the text of the problems. One hundred and thirty-four students participated in the study by solving paper and pencil test. Forty-four students were in 2nd grade (7,5 to 8,5 years old students), 48 in 4th grade (9,5 to 10,5 years old students), and 42 in 6th grade (11,5 to 12,5 years old students). Results showed that students did not have different achievement on word problems with different correspondence between entity keywords and relations. The superficial approach they used most often was in identifying relational terms (mathematical operations). As expected, there were differences in achievement and in nature of mistakes regarding students’ level of education (2nd, 4th or 6th grade).






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Keywords: compare word problems, combine word problems, problem solving strategies, word problems

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