Inkapsulacija aktivnih komponenti u pektin i hitozan za primenu u aktivnom pakovanju i biopesticidima : doktorska disertacija
Knežević-Jugović, Zorica, 1969-
Rakin, Marica, 1965-
Ćirković, Jovana, 1993-
Radojković, Aleksandar
Vukašinović-Sekulić, Maja, 1969-
The research subject of this doctoral thesis is the preparation of biopolymer emulsions anddispersions, as well as obtaining thin films and coatings from them, which can be used in activepackaging for food protection and as a biopesticide. The main concept of the scientific research isbased on the incorporation of active components (lemongrass essential oil, Zn(CH3COO)2∙2H2O,ZnO nanoparticles) into the polymer matrix of pectin and chitosan, to achieve their slow-release andprolonged antimicrobial/insecticidal activity. The emulsions and films were investigated by variousmethods for structural (Particle Analyzer, ATR-FTIR, TGA/DTG, and DSC) and morphological(AFM, SEM) characterization. Also, the mechanical properties and solubility of the films weredetermined. The antibacterial effect of emulsions and dispersions was tested in vitro on the bacteriathat are frequent causes of contamination and food poisoning (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis,and Staphylococcus aureus). The chitosan-based films showed better mechanical properties and alower degree of solubility compared to the pectin-based films. The chitosan-based emulsions anddispersions showed a stronger antibacterial effect in vitro, while a synergistic effect between theactive components was observed in the pectin-based emulsions. The effectiveness of the coatings,which would be applied in the production of active packaging, was tested in vivo on freshraspberries (Rubus idaeus L.), whereby the freshness and shelf life of raspberries were extendedfrom four to eight days. The effect of the pectin-based emulsion as a biopesticide was tested on thepotato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella L.) when the slow release effect led to the prolongedactivity of the bioactive compounds of the encapsulated essential oil in the effective control of thepotato tuber moth.
Predmet istraţivanja ove doktorske teze je priprema biopolimernih emulzija i disperzija, kao idobijanje tankih filmova i prevlaka od njih, koje se mogu koristiti u aktivnom pakovanju za zaštitunamirnica i kao biopesticid. Glavni koncept nauĉno-istraţivaĉkog rada zasniva se na ugradnjiaktivnih komponenti (etarsko ulje limunove trave, Zn(CH3COO)2∙2H2O, nanoĉestice ZnO) upolimernu matricu pektina i hitozana, sa ciljem da se postigne njihovo sporo otpuštanje i produţenaantimikrobna/insekticidna aktivnost. Emulzije i filmovi su ispitani razliĉitim metodama u ciljustrukturne (Particle Analyzer, ATR-FTIR, TGA/DTG i DSC) i morfološke (AFM, SEM)karakterizacije. TakoĊe, odreĊena su mehaniĉka svojstava i rastvorljivost filmova. Antibakterijskodejstvo emulzija i disperzija testirano je u in vitro uslovima na vrstama bakterija koje su ĉestiuzroĉnici kontaminacije i trovanja namirnicama (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis iStaphylococcus aureus). Filmovi na bazi hitozana pokazali su bolja mehaniĉka svojstva i niţi stepenrastvorljivosti u poreĊenju sa filmovima na bazi pektina. Emulzije i disperzije na bazi hitozana supokazale jaĉi antibakterijski efekat u in vitro uslovima, dok je kod emulzija na bazi pektinaprimećeno sinergistiĉko dejstvo izmeĊu aktivnih komponenti. Efikasnost prevlaka, koje bi seprimenjivale u izradi aktivnog pakovanja, testirana je u in vivo uslovima na sveţim malinama(Rubus idaeus L.), pri ĉemu je ostvaren produţetak sveţine i roka trajanja maline sa ĉetiri na osamdana. Dejstvo emulzije na bazi pektina kao biopesticida ispitano je na krompirovom moljcu(Phthorimaea operculella L.), kada je efekat sporog otpuštanja doveo do produţenog dejstvabioaktivnih jedinjenja inkapsuliranog etarskog ulja u efikasnom suzbijanju krompirovog moljca.
Tehnološko inţenjerstvo - Biohemijsko inţenjerstvo i biotehnologija / Technological engineering - Biochemical engineering and biotechnology Datum odbrane: 28.12.2022.
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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AT - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 3.0 Austria License.
biopolimeri, pektin, hitozan, aktivne komponente, inkapsulacija, aktivno pakovanje, biopesticidi
biopolymers, pectin, chitosan, active components, encapsulation, active packing, biopesticides.