Naslov (eng)

Encapsulation of Fumaria officinalis extract in the liposomal vesicles


Ahmoda, Rabiea Ashowen
Milosevic, Milena
Batinić, Petar
Pirković, Andrea
Krstić, Aleksandar
Marinković, Aleksandar
Jovanović, Aleksandra A.

Opis (eng)

Fumaria officinalis (fumitory) extracts have shown antimicrobial, antioxidative, antispasmodic, laxative, anthelmintic, cholagogue, cytotoxic, and sedative effects. The mentioned health benefits can be attributed to the high content of polyphenol and alkaloid compounds. However, the mentioned compounds possess low solubility, stability, and bioavailability. Therefore, their encapsulation in different carriers is necessary. Liposomes are widely used as carriers for the encapsulation, preservation, and controlled release of numerous hydrophilic and lipophilic bioactive principles from different plant sources. Thus, the aim of the presented study is the development and physicochemical characterization of F. officinalis extract-loaded liposomes in terms of encapsulation efficiency, vesicle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential, conductivity, and mobility. The extract-loaded liposomes were obtained in the proliposome method using 1 g of phospholipids, 1 mL of fumitory ethanol extract, and 10 mL of ultrapure water. Encapsulation efficiency was indirectly calculated by the polyphenol concentration determined in the supernatant. Particle size, PDI, zeta potential, conductivity, and mobility were measured by photon correlation spectroscopy. The encapsulation efficiency of polyphenols was >73%. The vesicle size and PDI were 274.0±0.7 nm and 0.307±0.020, respectively. The zeta potential, conductivity, and mobility were -6.34±0.16 mV, 0.465 mS/cm, and -0.491±0.011 µmcm/Vs, respectively. The beneficial effects of biologically active compounds from F. officinalis herba on human health, as well as their sensitivity, highlight the application of small, uniform, and stable phospholipid liposomal vesicles as their carrier.






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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Deliti pod istim uslovima 4.0 International License.


encapsulation, fumitory, liposomes, polyphenols

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:25140 Radovi Instituta za primenu nuklearne energije - INEP