Naslov (srp)

Uticaj dodavanja različitih količina živih ćelija kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) u hranu na proizvodne performanse, morfometrijske parametre i mikrofloru creva brojlera : doktorska disertacija


Maksimović, Željko, 1984-


Starčević, Marija, 1981-
Nišavić, Jakov, 1971-
Đorđević, Vesna Ž., 1972-
Šefer, Dragan, 1963-
Marković, Radmila, 1965-
Radovanović, Anita, 1961-

Opis (eng)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding different dosages of live yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to feed on health status, production performance, intestinal morphology,, gut microflora of broilers, carccas quality as well as the economic justification of its use. The experiment was performed on a total of 270 broilers (ROSS 308) divided into three experimental groups. Each experimental group contained 90 animals housed in groups of 15 birds in six repetitions All animals where fed with mixtures of standard raw materials and chemical composition as recommended by the hybrid manufacturer. The only difference between the groups was the addition of live yeast cells in the experimental groups (O-I group received live yeast cells 250 g/t and O-II group 650 g/t of feed). A control group of broilers was fed without the addition of live yeast cells to the feed. Animal feed mixtures were formulated to fully meet the needs of animals in all stages of fattening. The fattening lasted for 42 days. The results of this doctoral dissertation refer to the examination of the chemical composition of feed mixtures for broilers (starter, grower, finisher) and growth production results (body weight, weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio) for individual phases as well as for the entire fattening period. During the trial, the broiler's health condition and "fecal score" were also monitored. After the slaughtering and evisceration of broilers, the pH value of contents from the ileum and cecum as well as their morphometric characteristics were examined. A correlational dependence was established between the finalbody weight of broilers and the morphometric characteristics of individual segments of the digestive tract. The microbiota of the digestive tract was also examined and a correlational dependence was established between the final body weight of broilers and the microbiota of individual segments of the digestive tract. With respect to carcass quality , cold carcass weight and dressing percentage weremeasured. Furthermore, carcasses were separated into breasts and drumsticks with thighs that were weighed, and their percentage of total cold carcass weight was calculated. For all analysis, standard methods and procedures were used with a sufficient number of repetitions for statistical data processing. The results from the study indicate that the addition of live yeast cells in the dosage of 250 grams per ton of feed achieved better production results and carcass quality (p<0.05), improved intestinal morphology (p<0.001), greater development of beneficial microflora (Lactobacilus spp.) (p<0.001) and the reduction of pathogenic bacteria (E. coli) in the intestines of broilers compared to the control group (p<0.05). The groupsupplemented with higher dosage of live yeast cells (650 g/t) had similar results to the control group. The obtained results indicate that live yeast cells of Saccharomyces cerevisae in the dosage of 250 grams per ton of feed can be used in broiler nutrition as growth promoters instead of antibiotics, can affect the preservation of broiler health, and improve growth production results and carcass quality of broilers .

Opis (srp)

Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj dodavanja različitih količina živih ćelija kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisae) u ishrani brojlera na zdravstveno stanje, proizvodne rezultate, morfometrijske parametre i mikrofloru brojlera pojedinih segmenata creva, kvalitet trupa kao i ekonomsku opravdanost upotrebe. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 270 brojlera hibrida ROSS 308 podeljenih u tri grupe sa po 90 jedinki u svakoj grupi i 6 ponavljanja. Sve jedinke su hranjene smešama standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava po preporuci proizvođača hibrida. Jedina razlika između grupa je bio dodatak živih ćelija kvasca u oglednim grupama (O-I grupa je dobijala žive ćelije kvasca 250 g u toni hrane, a O-II grupa 650 g u toni hrane). Kontrolna grupa brojlera je hranjena bez dodavanja živih ćelija kvasca u hranu. Smeše za ishranu životinja bile su formulisane tako da u potpunosti zadovolje potrebe životinja u svim fazama tova. Tov je trajao 42. dana. Rezultati doktorske disertacije odnose se na ispitivanje hemijskog sastava smeša za ishranu brojlera (starter, grover, finišer), na proizvodne rezultate (masa brojlera, prirast, konzumacija, konverzija) za pojedine faze kao i za ceo tov. U toku ogleda praćeno je i zdravstveno stanje brojlera kao i „fecal scor“. Posle završenog tova i klanja brojlera ispitivana je pH vrednost pojedinih segmenata creva (ileum i cekum) i njihove mofometrijske karakteristike. Utvrđena je korelaciona zavisnost između završnih masa brojlera i morfometrijskih osobina pojednih segmenata digestivnog trakta. Ispitivana je i mikrobiota digestivnog trakta i utvrđena je korelaciona zavisnost između završnih masa brojlera i mikrobiote pojedinih segmenata digestivnog trakta. Od parametara prinosa mesa izvršena su merenja trupa posle hlađenja i randman klanja. Posle rasecanja trupa merene su mase osnovnih delova (grudi i bataka sa karabatakom) i izračunato je njihovo učešće u masi trupa. Za sva ispitivanja korišćene su standardne i priznate metode sa dovoljnim brojem ponavljanja za statističku obradu podataka. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da grupa brojlera kojoj su dodate žive ćelije kvasca u količini od 250 g/t hrane ima bolje proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet trupa (p<0,05), bolju morfologiju creva (p<0,001), veći razvoj korisne mikroflore (Lactobacilus spp.) (p<0,001) i smanjenje broja patogenih bakterija (E. coli) u crevima brojlera u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (p<0,05). Grupa sa dodatkom većih količina živih ćelija kvasca (650 g/t) imala je slične rezultate kao i kontrolna grupa. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da žive ćelija kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisae mogu da se koriste u ishrani brojlera kao promoteri rasta u zamenu za antibiotike, da utiču na očuvanje zdravlja brojlera, poboljšavaju proizvodne rezultate brojlera u tovu i parametre prinosa mesa brojlera u količini od 250 grama po toni hrane.

Opis (srp)

Veterinarska medicina - Ishrana i botanika / Veterinary Medicine - Nutrition and Botany Datum odbrane: 23.02.2024.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Zoohigijena. Zootehnika

brojleri, ishrana, žive ćelije kvasca, proizvodne performanse


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Zoohigijena. Zootehnika

broilers, nutrition, live yeast cells, production performance