Naslov (srp)

Analiza uticaja promenljivog i udarnog opterećenja na ponašanje zavarenih čeličnih konstrukcija izrađenih od super dupleks čelika : doktorska disertacija


Perković, Srđa, 1973-


Đukić, Miloš, 1967-
Radaković, Zoran, 1961-
Sedmak, Aleksandar, 1955-
Sedmak, Simon, 1984-
Prokić-Cvetković, Radica, 1965-

Opis (srp)

Tema ove doktorske disertacije je analiza mogućnosti upotrebe superdupleks nerđajućegčelika S32750 za zavarene konstrukcije koje tokom eksploatacije mogu biti izložene niskimtemperaturama do -80 ℃, kao i uticaj udarnog i promenljivog opterećenja na zavarene spojeve i nanjihov integritet i vek. Za jednu vrstu dodatnog materijala i postupak zavarivanja koji su primenjenina spajanje ploča dupleks čelika S32750, ispitan je dobijeni zavareni spoj analizom mikrostrukture imakrostrukture, hemijskog sastava i mehaničkih karakteristika, uključujući ispitivanja i detaljnuanalizu ponašanja pri udarnom i promenljivom opterećenju, za tri zone spoja OM, MŠ i ZUT. Pri tomesu poređeni rezultati analiza i razmatran je uticaj zavarenog spoja na integritet i vek cele konstrukcijeu odnosu na osnovni metal, kao i ponašanje tog spoja kada je izložen udarnom i promenljivomopterećenju.Ovim istraživanjem se pored slike o ponašanju super dupleks čelika S32750 dobija slika oponašanju zavarenog spoja i to pored standardne sobne temperature (+20℃) i na spektru niskihtemperatura -80 ℃, -60 ℃ i -40 ℃. Ovim se proširuju dosadašnja istraživanja koja su uglavnomtretirala upotrebu ovog tipa čelika, ali na visokim temperaturama.Na osnovu prikazanih analiza su uočene pojave kojima se potvrđuje izbor super dupleksčelika S32750 kao odgovarajućeg za njegove osnovne namene, a uz to se potvrđuje i izbor dodatnogmaterijala, metoda i parametara zavarivanja kao pogodnih za ovaj čelik. Osim navedenog dobijenisu i rezultati koji upućuju na ograničenja upotrebe zavarenih konstrukcija od čelika S32750, kao štoje radna temperatura iznad -50 ℃. Dodatne ograničenja su u vezi integriteta i veka, u oba slučajazbog zavarenih spojeva, odnosno heterogenosti mikrostrukture ZUT i MŠ i njihovih svojstavaotpornosti na nastanak i rast prslina.

Opis (srp)

Tehničke nauke – Mašinsko inženjerstvo - Tehnologija materijala, mehanika loma / Technical Sciences – Mechanical Engineering - Materials science, Fracture Mechanics Datum odbrane: 14.12.2023.

Opis (eng)

The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the possibility of using superduplex stainlesssteel S32750 for welded constructions that may be exposed to low temperatures up to -80 ℃ duringoperation, as well as the impact of impact and variable loads on welded joints on their integrity andlife. For one type of additional material and welding procedure applied to the joining of S32750 duplexsteel plates, the obtained welded joint was tested by analysing microstructure and macrostructure,chemical composition and mechanical characteristics, including tests and detailed analysis of thebehaviour under impact and variable loading, for three joint zones BM, WM and HAZ. In doing so, theresults of the analyses were compared and the influence of the welded joint on the integrity and lifeof the entire structure in relation to the base metal was considered, as well as the behaviour of thatjoint when exposed to impact and variable loads.With this research, in addition to the view of the behaviour of the super duplex steel S32750, aview of the behaviour of the welded joint is obtained at the standard room temperature (+20℃) andat the spectrum of low temperatures -80 ℃, -60 ℃ and -40 ℃. This expands previous research thatmostly dealt with the use of this type of steel, but at high temperatures.Based on the presented analyses, phenomena were observed that confirm the choice of superduplex steel S32750 as appropriate for its basic purposes, and also confirm the choice of additionalmaterial, methods and welding parameters as suitable for this steel. In addition to the above, resultswere also obtained that point to the limitations of the use of welded structures made of S32750 steel,such as the operating temperature above -50 ℃. Additional limitations are related to integrity andlife, in both cases due to welded joints, i.e. the heterogeneity of the microstructure of HAZ and WMand their properties of resistance to the initiation and growth of cracks






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Termička obrada

Super duplex steel S32750, welded joints, impact and cyclic loading, structural integrity and life, impact toughness, energy for crack initiation and growth

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Termička obrada

Super dupleks čelik S32750, zavareni spojevi, udarno i ciklično opterećenje, integritet i vek konstrukcije, udarna žilavost, energije nastanka i rasta prsline.