Naslov (srp)

Efekti dodavanja tanina na hranljivu vrednost obroka i proizvodne rezultate jagnjadi u tovu : doktorska disertacija


Cekić, Bogdan, 1990-


Ružić-Muslić, Dragana, 1967-
Maksimović, Vuk, 1969-
Đorđević, Nenad, 1963-
Marković, Jordan, 1974-
Božičković, Aleksa, 1983-
Stanisavljević, Nemanja, 1986-

Opis (srp)

Tanini su, kao velika grupa heterogenih jedinjenja različitog biološkog porekla, široko rasprostanjeni u biljnom svetu. Zbog svoje heterogenosti, tanini ispoljavaju različite efekte u ishrani preživara. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio ispitivanje upotrebe preparata kestenovih tanina u obroku tovne jagnjadi, kako bi se ispitao njihov uticaj na fiziološke i proizvodne pokazatelje.Ispitivanja su obavljena kroz dva, metodološki različita ogleda. U oba ogleda je uključeno po 30 jagnjadi MIS rase, neposredno nakon završenog perioda odbijanja od majki. Prosečna telesna masa jagnjadi u ogledu 1 je iznosila 20,55 kg, dok je u ogledu 2 iznosila 20,50 kg. U ogledu 1 je korišćen standardni farmski obrok za ishranu odlučene jagnjadi, dok su u ogledu 2 formulisani obroci tako da zadovolje potrebe u metaboličkom proteinu (MP) za prirast od 250 g/dan, dok je neto energije za porast (NEmeat) bilo više za oko 14%, što odgovara prirastu od oko 275 g/dan. Na taj način, su u ogledu 2 korišćena tri obroka uz pretpostavku da će uticaj tanina dovesti do zadovoljenja potreba za prirast veći od 250 g/dan.Kao izvor tanina koriščen je preparat kestenovih tanina, komercijalnog naziva Farmatan®. U ogledu 1 formirane su tri grupe, sa po 10 jagnjadi, na osnovu sadržaja Farmatan®-a u suvoj materiji (SM) obroka: K (kontrola, bez dodatih tanina); T1 (9,46 g preparata/kg SM obroka) i T2 (18,87 g preparata/kg SM obroka). U ogledu 2, na osnovu sadržaja preparata u obroku, formirane su sledeće grupe: KON (kontrola, bez dodatih tanina); 10T (20,17 g preparata/kg SM obroka) i 20T (40,33 g preparata/ kg SM obroka). Oba ogleda su postavljena kao jednofaktorski ogledi sa po tri tretmana, gde su analizom varijanse testirane razlike između njih, a značajnost razlika između srednjih vrednosti određene na osnovu testa najmanjih razlika (LSD test). Oba ogleda su trajala 60 dana (ne računajući adaptacioni period), tokom kojih je dnevno praćeno konzumiranje SM. Na svakih 15 (u ogledu 1), odnosno 10 dana (u ogledu 2) praćene su promene u telesnoj masi jagnjadi, kako bi se odredili dnevni i ukupni prirasti, kao i parametri iskoristivosti hrane (konverzija, Klajberov odnos - KR, kao i efikasnost proteina - EP i efikasnost energije - EEN). Kako bi se utvrdilo da li taninini mogu uticati na promene vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvi, u ogledu 1 jagnjadima je uzorkovana krv prvog i poslednjeg dana ogleda, nakom čega su odrađene analize. Određivanje prividne svarljivosti u oba ogleda je utvrđena indirektnom metodom korišćenjem pepela nerastvorljivog u hlorovodoničnoj kiselini kao indikatora, kroz tri kolekciona perioda u oba ogleda. U ogledu 1 kolekcioni periodi su trajali 5 dana, i to od 15. do 19. dana (I period); od 30. do 34. dana (II period) i od 45. do 49. dana ogleda (III period). U ogledu 2, kolekcioni periodi su trajali 6 dana, a obavljani su u periodu od 14. do 19. dana (I period), od 29. do 34. dana (II period) i od 44. do 49. dana (III period). Prividna svarljivost je određena za sledeće parametre: SM, organska materija (OM), SP, sirove masti (SMa), sirova celuloza (SC), deterdžentska vlakna (nerastvorljiva u neutralnom - NDF, odnosno kiselom deterdžentu - ADF), bezazotne ekstraktivne materije (BEM) i nestrukturni ugljeni hidrati (NFC). Po završetku hranidbenog dela ogleda, sva jagnjad su žrtvovana kako bi se ispitale klanične osobine, hemijski i masnokiselinski sastav mesa. Kao dodatni efekat, izvršena je i analiza ekonomske održivosti korišćenja preparata kestenovih tanina u obroku u oba ogleda. Ova analiza je obuhvatila troškove ishrane na osnovu dana (THd), troškove ishrane na osnovu prirasta (THp), neto profit (NP) i ekonomsku isplativost (EKI) korišćenja ovog izvora tanina.Konzumiranje SM u ogledu 1 je bilo identično kod K i T2 (1,20 kg SM/dan) i veće od T1 (1,13 kg SM/dan), što se pre svega objašnjava slabijim konzumiranjem kabaste komponente obroka (sena) kod ove grupe...

Opis (srp)

Zootehnika - Ishrana domaćih i gajenih životinja / Zootechniques - Nutrition of domestic and reared animals Datum odbrane: 23.01.2024.

Opis (eng)

Tannins, as a large group of heterogeneous compounds of different biological origins, are widely distributed in the plant world. Due to their heterogeneity, tannins exhibit various effects in the ruminant nutrition. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate the use of chestnut tannin product in the diet of fattening lambs to examine its impact on physiological and production indicators.The research was conducted through two methodologically different experiments. Both experiments included 30 lambs of the MIS breed, immediately after weaning from their mothers. The average body weight of lambs in experiment 1 was 20.55 kg, while in experiment 2, it was 20.50 kg. In experiment 1, a standard farm diet was used for the feeding of the selected lambs, while in experiment 2, diets were formulated to meet the metabolic protein (MP) requirements for a gain of 250 g/day, with net energy for gain (NEmeat) being about 14% higher, equivalent to a gain of about 275 g/day. Thus, in experiment 2, three diets were used assuming that the influence of tannins would lead to meeting gain requirements greater than 250 g/day.Chestnut tannin product, commercially known as Farmatan®, was used as the source of tannins. In experiment 1, three groups were formed, each consisting of 10 lambs, based on the Farmatan® content in the dry matter (SM) of the diet: K (control, no added tannins); T1 (9.46 g of product/kg of SM diet) and T2 (18.87 g of product/kg of DM diet). In experiment 2, groups were formed based on the following content of the product in the diet: KON (control, no added tannins); 10T (20.17 g of product/kg of SM diet) and 20T (40.33 g of product/kg of SM diet). Both experiments were set up as single-factor designs with three treatments, and differences between them were tested by analysis of variance, with the significance of differences between means determined by the least significant difference (LSD) test. Both experiments lasted for 60 days (excluding the adaptation period), during which daily SM intake was monitored. Changes in lamb body weight were recorded every 15 days (experiment 1) or 10 days (experiment 2) to determine daily and total gains, as well as feed utilization parameters (conversion, Kleiber ratio - KR, protein efficiency - EP, and energy efficiency - EEN).To investigate whether tannins could influence changes in blood biochemical parameters, blood samples were collected from the lambs in experiment 1 on the first and last days of the experiment, followed by analysis. Apparent digestibility in both experiments was determined using an indirect method with ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid as an indicator during three collection periods in both experiments. In experiment 1, collection periods lasted for 5 days: from day 15 to 19 (Period I), day 30 to 34 (Period II), and day 45 to 49 (Period III). In experiment 2, collection periods lasted for 6 days, and they were conducted from day 14 to 19 (Period I), day 29 to 34 (Period II), and day 44 to 49 (Period III). Apparent digestibility was determined for the following parameters: SM, organic matter (OM), CP, crude fat (SMa), crude fiber (SC), detergent fiber (neutral detergent fiber - NDF and acid detergent fiber - ADF), non-nitrogenous extractives (BEM) and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC). At the end of the experiments, all lambs were slaughtered to examine the slaughter traits, chemical composition, and fatty acid profile of the meat.As an additional effect, an analysis of the economic sustainability of using chestnut tannins in the diet in both experiments was conducted. This analysis included feed costs per day (THd), feed costs per gain (THp), net profit (NP), and economic efficiency (EKI) based on the use of this tannin source.In experiment 1, intake of SM was identical in K and T2 (1.20 kg SM/day) and higher than in T1 (1.13 kg SM/day), primarily explained by lower intake of roughage in this group (hay)...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Ishrana domaćih životinja

kestenovi tanini, konzumiranje, svarljivost, konverzija, prirasti, ekonomska isplativost, preživari


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Ishrana domaćih životinja

chestnut tannins, intake, digestibility, feed conversion, weight gains, economic efficiency, ruminants