Naslov (srp)

Antifungalno delovanje etarskih ulja lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja na vrste roda Trichoderma - patogene jestivih gljiva : doktorska disertacija


Luković, Jelena, 1993-


Vico, Ivana, 1964-
Stević, Milan, 1972-
Rekanović, Emil, 1973-
Đurović-Pejčev, Rada, 1976-
Potočnik, Ivana, 1967-
Duduk, Nataša, 1971-
Bulajić, Aleksandra, 1964-

Opis (eng)

Based on morphological, ecological and mycological characteristics of ITS and tef-1α regions, the causal agents of green mould disease of edible mushrooms (oyster and shiitake) from farms in Serbia and North Macedonia: Trichoderma pleuroti, Trichoderma pleuroticola and Trichoderma harzianum species complex (THSC), were identified. Within the Trichodema harzianum species complex from farms of edible mushrooms (button mushroom, oyster and shiitake) in Serbia, Trichoderma afroharzianum, Trichoderma atrobrunneum, Trichoderma guizhouense, Trichoderma simmonsii and Trichoderma cf. harzianum were identified. The isolates of T. pleuroti and T. pleuroticola species from Hungary and Croatia, as well as isolates of Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum from Serbia were included in research.In order to find an effective biological control agent, antifungal activity of the essential oils to several Trichoderma species, the causal agents of green mould disease of edible mushrooms, were tested. The qualitative and quantitative content and antifungal activity of 11 essential oils extracted from medicinal and aromatic plants from Serbia: spearmint, peppermint, thyme, basil, fir, pine, thuja, juniper, yarrow, St. John's wort and dill, were investigated. Antifungal activity of essential oils was determined using several in vitro methods (contact and fumigant; microdilution and macrodilution).Using the contact microdilution method, essential oils of dill and thyme exhibited fungicidal activity against all tested Trichoderma species. Essential oils of spearmint and peppermint exibited fungicidal activity only against Trichoderma species isolated form shiitake and oyster mushroom. The dill essential oil has shown the strongest inhibitory activity to all tested pathogenic Trichoderma species, followed by four oils of Lamiaceae plants (thyme, spearmint, peppermint and basil). The contact activity of dill essential oil was confirmed using the macrodilution method, and high sensitivity of Trichoderma spp. isolates was confirmed using regression analysis. The main components in the compositions of essential oils were: dill – carvone, limonene and α-phellandrene; thyme – geraniol, carvacrol and thymol; peppermint – menthol and menthone; spearmint – 1,8-cineole, linalool and menthyl acetate and basil – linalool i methyl chavikol. Essential oils of yarrow and four evergreen plants (fir, juniper, thuja and pine) was shown a partially inhibitory activity, while the St. John’s wort oil was stimulated mycelial growth of all tested Trichoderma species. The main components in the compositions of essential oils were: thuja – α-pinene and β-3-carene; juniper – α-pinene, myrcene and sabinene; fir – p-mentha-2,4(8)-diene, tricyclene and camphene; pine – α-pinene and β-pinene; yarrow – β-pinene, 1,8-cineole, β-caryophyllene and camphor and St. John's wort – β-caryophyllene, 2-methyl octane, (E)-β-farnesene and α-pinene.The effects of the volatile phase of essential oils on spores and mycelia were studied using macrodilution fumigant method. The strongest activity was demonstrated by essential oils of four plants from Lamiaceae family causing total inhibition of mycelial growth of all tested Trichoderma species, as well as dill essential oil which caused total or partial inhibition of mycelial growth.Using the Checkerboard method, the synergistic activity of three essential oils combinations were tested, and the dill-spearmint essential oil combination has demonstrated the strongest activity against eight out of nine tested Trichoderma species.Using the macrodilution method and probit analysis, the sensitivity of Trichoderma spp. isolates to the fungicides metrafenone and prochloraz were determined. All examined isolates were found to be highly sensitive to both fungicides tested. Considering the susceptibility of host fungi to the fungicides and dill essential oil, the selective toxicity was determined. The fungicide prochloraz was shown the best selective toxicity for oyster mushroom and shiitake, while the fungicide metrafenone was better for button mushroom.The efficacy of dill essential oil, biofungicide based on azadirachtin and fungicide prochloraz was evaluated against T. aggressivum f. europaeum in experimental mushroom growing room..

Opis (srp)

Na osnovu morfoloških, ekoloških i molekularnih karakteristika ITS i tef-1α regiona, identifikovani su prouzrokovači zelene plesni jestivih gljiva (bukovače i šiitake) u Srbiji i Severnoj Makedoniji: Trichoderma pleuroti, Trichoderma pleuroticola i Trichoderma harzianum kompleks vrsta (THSC). U okviru Trichodema harzianum kompleksa iz gajilišta jestivih gljiva (šampinjona, bukovače i šiitake) u Srbiji, identifikovane su vrste: Trichoderma afroharzianum, Trichoderma atrobrunneum, Trichoderma guizhouense, Trichoderma simmonsii i Trichoderma cf. harzianum. U istraživanja su uključeni i izolati vrsta T. pleuroti i T. pleuroticola sa bukovače iz Mađarske i Hrvatske, kao i izolati vrste Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum sa šampinjona iz Srbije.U cilju pronalaženja efikasnog bioagensa za zaštitu jestivih gljiva od zelene plesni, ispitano je antifungalno delovanje etarskih ulja prema različitim vrstama roda Trichoderma, prouzrokovačima zelene plesni šampinjona, bukovače i šiitake. Ispitan je kvantitativni i kvalitativni sastav i antifungalno delovanje 11 etarskih ulja ekstrahovanih iz lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja poreklom iz Srbije: divlje nane, pitome nane, majčine dušice, bosiljka, jele, bora, tuje, kleke, hajdučke trave, kantariona i mirođije. Antifungalno delovanje određeno je primenom različitih in vitro metoda (kontaktne i fumingantne; mikrodilucione i makrodilucione).Etarska ulja mirođije i majčine dušice ispoljila su fungicidno delovanje prema svim ispitivanim patogenim vrstama roda Trichoderma primenom kontaktne mikrodilucione metode. Etarska ulja divlje i pitome nane ispoljila su fungicidni efekat samo prema prouzrokovačima zelene plesni bukovače i šiitake. Najbolje inhibitorno kontaktno delovanje prema svim ispitivanim vrstama roda Trichoderma ispoljilo je etarsko ulje mirođije, zatim ulja biljaka iz familije Lamiaceae (majčina dušica, divlja nana, pitoma nana i bosiljak). Dominantne komponente u sastavima etarskih ulja bile su: mirođija – karvon, limonen i α-felandren; majčina dušica – geraniol, karvakrol i timol; pitoma nana – mentol i menton; divlja nana – 1,8-cineol, linalol i mentil acetat i bosiljak – linalol i metil kavikol. Probit analizom utvrđen je visok nivo osetljivosti Trichoderma spp. izolata prema kontaktnom delovanju etarskog ulja mirođije. Delimično inhibitorno delovanje ispoljila su etarska ulja hajdučke trave i četiri zimzelene biljke (jela, kleka, tuja i bor), dok je za etarsko ulje kantariona zabeleženo stimulativnio delovanje na porast patogenih gljiva. Dominantne komponente u sastavima etarskih ulja bile su: tuja – α-pinen i β-3-karen; kleka – α-pinen, mircen i sabinen; jela – p-menta-2,4(8)-dien, triciklen i kamfen; bor – α-pinen i β-pinen; hajdučka trava – β-pinen, 1,8-cineol, β-kariofilen i kamfor i kantarion – β-kariofilen, 2-metil oktan, (E)-β-farnesen i α-pinen.Primenom makrodilucione fumigantne metode određen je efekat gasovite faze testiranih ulja na klijanje spora i porast micelije testiranih vrsta roda Trichoderma. Najbolje antifungalno delovanje primenom ove metode pokazala su etarska ulja biljaka iz familije Lamiaceae sa potpunom inhibicijom porasta micelije svih patogenih vrsta, kao i etarsko ulje mirođije sa potpunom ili delimičnom inhibicijom porasta micelije patogena.Primenom Checkerboard metode ispitan je efekat kombinacija tri etarska ulja, a najbolje antifungalno delovanje je pokazala kombinacija mirođija-divlja nana, kod koje je zabeležen sinergistički efekat delovanja pema osam od devet testiranih vrsta roda Trichoderma.Osetljivost izolata Trichoderma spp. prema fungicidima prohlorazu i metrafenonu ispitana je primenom in vitro makrodilucione metode. Svi testirani izolati Trichoderma spp. pokazali su visoku osetljivost prema oba fungicida. Određena je selektivna toksičnost (indeks selektivnosti) za fungicide prohloraz i metrafenon, kao i etarsko ulje mirođije na osnovu toksičnosti ovih jedinjenja za patogene gljive sa jedne i jestive gljive (domaćine) sa druge strane. Najbolju selektivnu toksičnost za bukovaču i šiitake pokazao je prohloraz, dok je metrafenon bio bolji za šampinjon.Efikasnost etarskog ulja mirođije, biofungicida na bazi azadiraktina i fungicida prohloraza prema T. aggressivum f. europaeum ocenjena je u oglednom gajilištu šampinjona...

Opis (srp)

Biotehničke nauke - Fitopatologija / Biotechnical Science - Phytopathology Datum odbrane: 22.12.2023.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Suzbijanje biljnih bolesti i štetočina

green mould disease of edible mushrooms, Trichoderma spp., oyster mushroom, shiitake, button mushroom, essential oils, fungicides, selective toxicity

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Suzbijanje biljnih bolesti i štetočina

zelena plesan jestivih gljiva, Trichoderma spp., bukovača, šiitake, šampinjon, etarska ulja, fungicidi, selektivna toksičnost
