Naslov (srp)

Pokazatelji sistemske inflamacije i nivo homocistena kod pasa sa atopijskim dermatitisom : doktorska disertacija


Ilić Božović, Anja, 1987-


Krstić, Vanja, 1964-
Milanović, Zorana, 1989-
Kovačević Filipović, Milica, 1968-
Beletić, Anđelo, 1978-

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Patogeneza atopijskog dermatitisa (AD) pasa se zasniva na lokalnoj inflamaciji usled poremećaja imunskog sistema kože u kompleksu sa izmenjenom građom epidermisa.Cilj: Hronična priroda i zahvaćenost velike površine kože, navode na pitanje da li se i u kolikoj meri javlja sistemska reakcija, i koliko je ta reakcija slična, reakcijama koje se javljaju kod drugih hroničnih i akutnih inflamatornih stanja.Materijal i metode: U ovu opservacionu studiju preseka su uključeni psi brahicefaličnih (n=18) i mezocefaličnih (n=36) rasa kojima je dijagnostikovan atopijski dermatitis, psi sa asimptomatskom srčanom dirofilariozom (n=31), babeziozom (n=12), piometrom (n=8) kao i kontrolni psi (n=30). Osim rutinskih hematoloških i biohemijskih analiza, u serumu su određeni koncentracija serum amiloida A (SAA) i apolipoproteina A1 (ApoA1) enzimskim imunometrijskim testom, ceruloplasmina (CER) i paraoksonaze 1 (PON1) spektrofotometrijski, lipoproteinske frakcije su razdvojene elektroforezom na agaroznom gelu, a homocistein (Hcy) je određen hemiluminiscentnom imunometrijskom metodom. Razlike između varijabli ispitane su pomoću Kruskal-Wallis testa sa post-hoc analizom po Conover-u, i Mann-Whitney U testa. Veze između varijabli kvantifikovane su Spearman-ovim koeficijentima korelacije i multiplom regresionom analizom.Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali viši broj eritrocita (P=0,002), veći hematokrit (P=0,026) i indeks anizocitoze (P<0,001), veći broj eozinofila (P=0,002), i veću prosečnu zapreminu trombocita (P=0,023) kod pasa sa AD u odnosu na kontrolne pse. Koncentracija ukupnih proteina (P=0,018), globulina (P=0,002) i glukoze (P=0,008) je bila viša, dok je koncentracija holesterola (P<0,001) i zastupljenost frakcije lipoproteina velike gustine 1 (high-density lipoproteins 1 — HDL1) (P=0,009), bila niža kod pasa sa AD u poređenju sa zdravim psima. Koncentracija SAA, ApoA1 i aktivnost PON1 se nisu razlikovale, ali je CER bio viši kod pasa sa AD (P=0,006), kao i indeks akutne faze (SAA×CER)/(PON1×Albumin) (P=0,006). U okviru grupe pasa sa AD, brahicefalične rase su imale niži broj eritrocita (P=0,018), višu vrednost prosečne koncentracije hemoglobina po eritrocitu (P<0,001), viši broj neutrofila (P=0,005) i trombocita (P=0,004) nego psi mezocefaličnih rasa. Biohemijski parametri kao i pokazatelji inflamacije se nisu razlikovali, ali su psi brahicefaličnih rasa imali više koncentracije Hcy (P=0,022), a pripadnost tim rasama predstavljala je nezavisni prediktor njegove koncentracije (P=0,021). Kod pasa sa AD utvrđena je nezavisna negativna korelacija između koncentracije CER i zastupljenosti HDL1 (r=-0,364, P=0,044), kao i nezavisna pozitivna između indeksa akutne faze i koncentracije ApoA1 (r=0,489, P=0,004). Analiza medijane i minimalnih i maksimalnih vrednosti koncentracije SAA u grupi pasa sa dirofilariozom je pokazala prisustvo inflamacije niskog intenziteta [2,79 (0,00–114,21 mg/L)], u grupi pasa sa babeziozom umerenog intenziteta [347,00 (71,00–820,00 mg/L)] i u grupi sa piometrom jakog intenziteta [866,00 (242,00–1066,83 mg/L)]. Koncentracija Hcy je bila niža kod pasa sa jačim intenzitetom inflamacije koja je bila izazvana infekcijom mikroorganizmima i parazitima, a SAA i Hcy su bili u negativnoj korelaciji (r=-0,502, P<0,001). Svi parametri koji su bili u pozitivnoj ili negativnoj korelaciji sa SAA imali su obrnutu korelaciju sa Hcy. Poređenjem vrednosti za Hcy i SAA kod svih ispitivanih grupa pasa koje su činile pojedine patološke entitete, utvrđeno je da se koncentracija Hcy ne razlikuje između pasa sa AD, dirofilariozom i babeziozom, ali je bila niža kod pasa sa piometrom (P=0,019), dok se SAA nije razlikovao između pasa sa AD i dirofilariozom, ali je bio niži nego kod pasa sa babeziozom i piometrom (P<0,001). Na celokupnom uzorku dobijenom spajanjem grupa pasa sa AD i “inflamatornim” entitetima potvrđena je negativna korelacija između koncentracija Hcy i SAA (r=-0,440, P<0,001)...

Opis (srp)

Veterinarska medicina - Klinička dijagnostika, patologija i terapija životinja / Veterinary medicine - Clinical diagnostics, pathology and therapy of animals Datum odbrane: 31.07.2023.

Opis (eng)

Introduction: The pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis (AD) relies on local inflammation due to the skin's immune system dysfunction combined with the aberrant structure of the epidermis.Objective: The chronic nature and the involvement of the large area of the skin raise the question of whether the systemic reaction occurs in AD cases, and if it does, what is the intensity and to which extent it resembles the reactions which characterize other chronic and acute inflammatory conditions.Material and Methods: This observational cross-sectional study included brachycephalic (n=18) and mesocephalic (n=36) dogs diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, dogs with asymptomatic heartworm disease (n=31), babesiosis (n=12), pyometra (n=8), and healthy control dogs (n=30). Besides the routine hematology and biochemistry tests, laboratory methodology included measurement of the serum amyloid A (SAA) concentration, apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) concentration, using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, determination of ceruloplasmin (CER) and paraoxonase 1 (PON1) level using the spectrophotometric methods, separation of the lipoprotein fractions using agarose gel electrophoresis, and measurement of the homocysteine concentration (Hcy) using the chemiluminescent immunoassay. The differences between the variables were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test with the post-hoc analysis according to Conover and Mann-Whitney U test. The correlations between the variables were quantified with the Spearman rank correlation and multiple regression analysis.Results: Results showed the higher erythrocyte count (P=0.002), hematocrit (P=0.026) and anisocytosis index (P<0.001), eosinophil count (P=0.002), and mean platelet volume (P=0.023) in AD dogs compared to the healthy controls. Concentrations of total proteins, (P=0.018), globulins (P=0.002), and glucose (P=0.008) were higher, while the cholesterol concentration (P<0.001) and the relative abundance of HDL1 (high-density lipoprotein 1) lipoprotein fraction (P=0.009) were lower in the AD dogs than in the healthy controls. Levels of SAA, ApoA1, and PON1 showed no difference, but CER (P=0,006) and the acute phase index (SAA×CER)/(PON1×Albumin) (P=0.006) had higher values in the dogs with AD. In the same group, the dogs of the brachycephalic breeds had lower erythrocyte count (P=0.018) than dogs of the mesocephalic breeds, while the mean corpuscular hemoglobin (P<0.001), neutrophil (P=0.005) and platelet count (P=0.004) were higher. The biochemistry results and levels of the inflammation indicators did not differ, but the brachycephalic dogs had higher Hcy levels (P=0.022), and the brachycephalic phenotype was the independent predictor of the Hcy concentration (P=0.021). Among the AD dogs, there was an independent negative correlation between CER concentration and the relative abundance of HDL1 (r=-0.364, P=0.044), and the independent positive correlation between the index of acute phase and concentration of ApoA1 (r=0,489, P=0,004). The median and minimum‒maximum range of SAA showed the systemic inflammation of low grade in the group with heartworm disease [2.79 (0.00–114.21 mg/L)], moderate in the group with babesiosis [347.00 (71.00–820.00 mg/L)] and strong in the pyometra group [866.00 (242.00–1066.83 mg/L)]. The Hcy concentration was lower in dogs with stronger inflammatory reactions caused by bacterial and parasite infection, and a negative correlation existed between SAA and Hcy levels (r=-0.502, P<0.001). All parameters that correlated with SAA level also correlated with Hcy concentration, albeit the concentration was in the opposite direction. The comparison of Hcy and SAA levels between all included groups, which represented the separate pathologic entities, showed no difference in Hcy between the dogs with AD, heartworm disease, and babesiosis, but the dogs with pyometra had lower values (P=0.019). The concentration of SAA did not differ between the AD and heartworm groups, but those values were lower than the concentrations in the babesiosis and pyometra groups (P<0.001). Analysis of the integral sample, obtained by merging the AD group with the groups representing the “inflammation” entities, confirmed the negative correlation between Hcy and SAA concentrations (r=-0.440, P<0.001)...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Veterinarska patologija. Bolesti domaćih životinja

atopic dermatitis, brachycephalic breeds, mesocephalic breeds, systemic inflammation, stress, homocysteine, ceruloplasmin, dyslipidemia

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Veterinarska patologija. Bolesti domaćih životinja

atopijski dermatitis, brahicefalične rase, mezocefalične rase, sistemska inflamacija, stres, homocistein, ceruloplasmin, dislipidemija
