Naslov (eng)

Early childhood music and maths: The language of patterns


Acker, Aleksandra
Nyland, Berenice
Đokić, Olivera


Australian Society for Music Education

Opis (eng)

Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between early childhood music and maths. The emphasis is on children as intuitive pattern makers as they explore, categorise and imagine their worlds. We argue for the careful listening of childhood languages and reason that music and maths are expressive languages that young children use to investigate and experiment. This concept is based on Malaguzzi’s idea of the hundred languages of children. Children’s explorations of patterns, whether music, maths or other media will follow the principle of symmetry. We observe the intersectionality of language/s. Data are drawn from video and teaching materials prepared for early childhood teachers in-service training in Australia. Framing the discussion with Vygotskian and developmental theories we identify the patterns a child makes in a music discovery video and categorise the child’s actions to combine both musical and mathematical concepts within the one action. The aim of the research is to revisit early childhood curriculum and pedagogy, rethinking sources of knowledge and the value of treating arts and sciences as being of equal importance as children discover and define their worlds.






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Key words: early childhood music and mathematics, intersecting knowledge, early childhood integrated curriculum

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