Naslov (srp)

Ispitivanje potencijalnih sentinel vrsta životinja u nadzoru groznice Zapadnog Nila : doktorska disertacija


Živulj, Aleksandar, 1974-


Radojičić, Sonja, 1963-
Petrović, Tamaš, 1969-
Šipetić-Grujičić, Sandra, 1965-
Nišavić, Jakov, 1971-
Milićević, Vesna, 1980-

Opis (srp)

groznicu Zapadnog Nila. Virus Zapadnog Nila je prvi put identifikovan 1937. godine uUgandi, oblast West Nile, u uzorku krvi žene koja je ispoljila kliničke simptomepovišene telesne telesne temperature.Virus Zapadnog Nila se prenosi i održava u prirodi u ciklusu komarac – ptica gde suptice rezervoari virusa i prirodni domaćini. Konji i ljudi su slučajni domaćini virusa,mogu klinički oboleti ali nemaju titar virusa u krvi koji bi inficirao komarce. Oko 25%obolelih ljudi ispoljava povišenu telesnu temperaturu, a manje od 1% obolelih ljudiispoljava neurološke poremećaje. Kod konja dolazi do ispoljavanja simptoma oboljenjanervnog sistema a u nekim slučajevima i do uginuća.Pojava serokonverzije izazvane virusom Zapadnog Nila je utvrđena kod konja, ljudi,kokoši, goveda, pasa, svinja, magaraca, koza, ptica poput golubova, vrabaca i drugihdomaćih i divljih životinja. Osnovni zadatak sprovođenja programa nadzora grozniceZapadnog Nila jeste pravovremeno otkrivanje prisustva i cirkulacije virusa na nekompodručju, kao i određivanje početka sezonske cirkulacije virusa u enzootskimpodručjima u cilju blagovremenog informisanja, kontrole vektora i preveniranjainfekcije ljudi i životinja i sprečavanja pojave epidemija i epizootija.Cilj ispitivanja ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita svrsishodnostpostojećeg programa nadzora virusa Zapadnog Nila kao sistema ranog upozoravanja(„early warning system“) i utvrdi prostorna i vremenska korelacija nalaza proisteklih izpostojećeg sistema monitoringa u odnosu na pojavu bolesti kod ljudi, kao i da se ispitamogućnost korišćenja goveda, svinja i živine kao sentinel vrsta životinja za efektivnijinadzor groznice Zapadnog Nila.Ukupno je ispitano 140 zbirnih uzoraka komaraca, 319 uzoraka krvnog serumakonja, 76 uzoraka poreklom od divljih ptica (faringealni brisevi, mozak i druga tkiva),168 uzoraka krvnog seruma goveda, 124 uzoraka krvnog seruma svinja i 125 uzorakakrvnog seruma živine. Prikupljanje uzoraka vršeno je u periodu 2017.-2019. godina, naviše lokaliteta u više opština Južnobanatskog okruga u Republici Srbiji.Ispitivanjem 140 zbirnih uzoraka komaraca metodom real time RT-PCRutvrđeno je prisustvo nukleinske kiseline virusa Zapadnog Nila kod 22 uzorka (15,7%),s tim da postoji značajna razlika u broju pozitivnih slučajeva u 2018. godini (15) uodnosu na 2017. godinu (7). Test odnosa šansi pokazuje da je šansa otkrivanjapozitivnih uzorka u 2018. godini bila 2,8 puta veća u odnosu na 2017. godinu.Ispitivanjem 319 uzoraka krvnog seruma konja utvrđeno je prisustvo IgM antitela protivvirusa Zapadnog Nila kod dva konja (0,6%), po jedan u 2017. i 2018. godini. Od 76ispitanih uzoraka poreklom od divljih ptica metodom real time RT-PCR utvrđeno jeprisustvo nukleinske kiseline virusa Zapadnog Nila kod jedne divlje ptice – siva vrana(1,3%). Ispitivanjem 105 uzoraka krvnog seruma goveda utvrđeno je prisustvospecifičnih antitela protiv virusa Zapadnog Nila kod 48 goveda (45,6%), od kojih jenajviša seroprevalencija od 66,7% na farmi u naseljenom mestu Starčevo, na farmi uMramorku 46,7%, a na farmi u Pančevu 35%...

Opis (srp)

Veterinarska medicina - Epizootiologija, zarazne bolesti životinja i bolesti pčela isviloprelja / Veterinary medicine- Epizootiology, infectious diseases of animals and diseases of bees andsilkworms Datum odbrane: 19.04.2022.

Opis (eng)

West Nile virus belongs to the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus, and causesWest Nile fever. West Nile virus was first identified in 1937 in Uganda, West Nileregion, in a blood sample of a woman who was presented with clinical symptoms offever.West Nile virus is transmitted and maintained in nature in the mosquito-birdcycle, where birds are reservoirs and natural hosts of the virus. Horses and humans are“dead-end” hosts of the virus; they can be clinically ill but do not have a titer of thevirus in their blood that would infect mosquitoes. About 25% of infected people showfever, and less than 1% show neurological disorders. In horses, the symptoms of thenervous system disease are manifested, and in some cases with fatal outcome.The appearance of seroconversion caused by West Nile virus has been seen inthe horses, humans, chicken, cattle, dogs, pigs, donkeys, goats, birds such as pigeonsand sparrows, and other domestic and wild animals. The main task of the West Nilefever surveillance program is to detect presence and circulation of the virus in the area,as well as to recognize the beginning of seasonal circulation of the virus in enzooticareas in order to provide timely information, control of vectors and to prevent humanand animal infections, epidemics and epizootics.The aim of the present doctoral dissertation was to examine the effectiveness ofthe existing West Nile virus surveillance program as an early warning system and todetermine the spatial and temporal correlation of the findings from the existingmonitoring system in relation to the occurrence of the disease in humans, as well as toexamine the possibility of using cattle, pigs and poultry as sentinel species for moreeffective surveillance of West Nile fever.A total of 140 pooled samples of mosquitoes, 319 blood serum samples fromhorses, 76 samples from wild birds (pharyngeal swabs, brain and other tissues), 168bovine blood serum samples, 124 pig blood serum samples, and 125 poultry bloodserum samples were examined. The samples were collected in the period from 2017 to2019, at several sites and municipalities of the South Banat District in the Republic ofSerbia.Examination of 140 pooled samples of mosquitoes by real-time RT-PCRrevealed the presence of West Nile virus nucleic acid in 22 samples (15.7%), with asignificant difference in the number of positive cases in 2018 (15) compared to 2017(7). Odds ratio test shows that the chance of detecting positive samples in 2018 was 2.8times higher than in 2017. Examination of 319 blood serum samples from horsesshowed the presence of IgM antibodies against West Nile virus in two horses (0.6%),one in 2017 and one in 2018. Out of 76 examined samples originating from wild birdsby real-time RT-PCR, the presence of West Nile virus nucleic acid was determined inone wild bird - grey crow (1.3%). Examination of 105 blood serum samples from cattlerevealed the presence of specific antibodies against West Nile virus in 48 animals(45.6%), with the highest seroprevalence (66.7%) on the farm in Starčevo, followed bythe seroprevalence of 46.7% on the farm in Mramorak and 35% on the farm in Pančevo...






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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AT - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 3.0 Austria License.


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Infektivne bolesti. Parazitske bolesti

West Nile virus, surveillance, sentinel animals, mosquitoes, domestic and wild animals

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Infektivne bolesti. Parazitske bolesti

virus Zapadnog Nila, nadzor, sentinel životinje, komarci, domaće i divlje životinje
