Naslov (srp)

Samoregulacija darovitih: intelektualni potencijali i metakognitivni konstrukti

Naslov (eng)

Gift self-regulation: intellectual potentials and metacognitive constructs


Стојановић, Александар
Рајовић, Ива
Гојков, Грозданка


Vršac : Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače "Mihailo Palov"

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Studija je zasnovana na eksplorativnom istraživanju, posvećenom samoregulaciji darovitih. Istraživanje je vršeno sistematskim neeksperimentalnim posmatranjem, koje ima za cilj da ispita odnos intelektualnih potencijala i relevantnih metakognitivnih konstrukata (metakognicija, samoprocena i samopouzdanje) i efekte ovih odnosa na akademski uspeh i samoostvarenja, na osnovu čega se posmatra nivo samoregulacije i značaj iste za samoostvarenja darovitih. Pošlo se od pretpostavke o značaju posmatranih metakognitivnih konstrukata za akademski uspeh, a korak dalje i za samostvarenje intelektualnih potencijala. Od instrumenata korišćeni su: Upitnik za prikupljanje opštih podataka (UOP1: starost, prosečne ocene na studijama i u srednjoj školi – akademski uspeh, stepen obrazovanja), metakognitivni konstrukti (metakognicija – METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS INVENTORY, Schraw, & Dennison, 1994). Inventar kompetencija za pamćenje i rezonovanje – MARCI, Stankov, & Crawford, 1997) i Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja, usklađena sa samopouzdanjem (RSS-1965). Alfa Crombahovi koefijenti relijabilnosti su zadovoljavajući i kreću se od .72 do .86. Uzorak je prigodni, a ispitanici su članovi MENSE Srbije (N=180). Varijable: prediktivne – intelektualni potencijali, godine starosti, kriterijske: uspeh – prosečna ocena na fakultetu, srednjoj školi, stepen obrazovanja; varijable moderatori – metakognitivne sposobnosti, samopouzdanje. Osnovni nalazi ukazuju na visoko prisustvo metakognitivnih sposobnosti i samopouzdanja, kao i visokih postignuća u srednjim ocenama, posebno na uzrastu srednje škole, kao i na korelativne odnose među posmatranim varijablama i na značaj metakognicije i samopouzdanja za samoregulaciju i samoostvarenja. Ali, ukazuju i na činjenicu da nezavisno od grupisanja u odnosu na metakognitivne sposobnosti i samopoštovanje kod članova MENSE postoje razlike u pogledu metakognitivnih kapaciteta, tako da su samoostvarenja uzrokovana i ovim faktorima. Dakle, iako su ispitanici sa visokim intelektualnim kapacitetima i izraženim metakognitivnim kompetencijama, razlike među njima su značajne i konstatuju se u nivou posmatranih varijabli (znanje o kogniciji, regulativna funkcija iste, samopouzdanje, memorija i rezonovanje), što je, verovatno jedan od faktora samoregulacije značajan za nivoe samoostvarenja u akademskom postignuću.

Opis (srp)

Summary: The study is based on exploratory research, dedicated to the self-regulation of the gifted. The research was carried out by systematic non-experimental observation, which aims to examine the relationship between intellectual potentials and relevant metacognitive constructs (metacognition, self-assessment and self- confidence) and the effects of these relationships on academic success and self-realization, based on the level of self-regulation and self-realization. . We started from the assumption about the importance of the observed metacognitive constructs for academic success, and a step further for the self-creation of intellectual potentials. Of the instruments used: Questionnaire for collecting general data (UOP1: age, average grades in studies and high school-academic achievement, level of education), meta cognitive constructs (metacognition – METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS INVENTORY, Schraw, et., al, 1994), Inventory of Competences for Memory and Reasoning – MARCI, Stankov, & Crawford, 1997) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, aligned with self- confidence (RSS-1965). Alpha Crombach's reliability coefficients are satisfactory and range from .72 to .86. The sample is appropriate, and the respondents are members of MENSE Serbia (N=180). Variables: predictive – age, criteria: success – average grade in college, high school, level of education; variables moderators: metacognitive abilities, self-confidence. The basic findings indicate the correlative relations between the observed variables, as well as the importance of metacognition and self-confidence for self-regulation and self-realization. The basic findings indicate a high presence of metacognitive abilities and self-confidence, as well as high achievements in middle grades, especially at high school age, as well as correlations between the observed variables and the importance of metacognition and self-confidence for self-regulation and self-realization. But, they also point to the fact that regardless of grouping in relation to metacognitive abilities and self-esteem, there are differences in MENSE members in terms of metacognitive capacities, so that self-realization is caused by these factors as well. Thus, although the respondents have high intellectual capacities and pronounced metacognitive competencies, the differences between them are significant and are found in the level of observed variables (knowledge of cognition, its regulatory function, self-confidence, memory and reasoning), which is probably one of the factors of self- regulation significant for levels of self-achievement in academic achievement.






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Ključne reči: daroviti, samoregulacija, metakognicija, samopouzdanje.

Key words: gifted, self-regulation, metacognition, self-confidence

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