Naslov (eng)



Petković, Emilija
Lilić, Ana
Mekić, Raid

Opis (eng)

Abstract: This article reports about coordination abilities of children in the elementary schools and the reason why physical education curriculum with extracurricular activities is efficient. The scientific research used different groups of female children with extracurricular activities. All of the students attended their obligatory physical education classes twice a week. The sample of participants in this research was 73. The participants were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of 41 and the second of 32 Serbian female elementary school students. The students’ age ranged from 10 to 12 years and artistic gymnastics was their sport of choice in elementary school. All of the students participated in their sport of choice for at least one year, and three years at most. The sample of variables consisted of anthropometric and motor variables. For the assessment of motor coordination abilities, a battery of tests consisting of six measuring instruments that cover the field of coordination in rhythm, movement frequency speed, and agility was applied. The differences in anthropometric measurements of the female students from different groups show that there is a statistically significant difference at the significance level of 100% on both tests (VISI= .000, TEZI= .000). The differences in coordination in rhythm among is a statistically significant in 100% for the Rolling and walking exercises along a line accompanied by asymmetrical hand motions (KHAR= .000), while for Arrhythmic hand drumming, there were no statistically significant differences (NBUR= .320). Differences in the movement frequency speed can be seen at the significance level of 100% on both tests (TAPR= .000; TAPN= .000). The differences in agility between the female students from two different groups can be seen at statistically significant level of 100% on both tests (RBNR= .002, LECS= .000). The female school children who opted for an additional class had greater affinities and interest toward training artistic gymnastics, which indicate the obtained results: they all scored better results in five out of the six applied tests. Informed by these findings, we conclude that concept of classes designed for a selected sport in the elementary schools of the Republic of Serbia has proven to be quite successful due to the improvements in physical activity and self-awareness of the concept of sports activities of the female students, which later scored higher results at school competitions.






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Keywords: coordination abilities, elementary school, extracurricular activities

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o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru