Naslov (srp)

Kako uvaspitati smrt? – strategije vaspitača u predškolskim ustanovama

Naslov (eng)

How to teach about death? - Strategies of preschool teachers


Вукомановић Растегорац, Владимир


Čakovec: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Konceptualizacija smrti kod dece započinje u ranom detinjstvu, ali potreba za razgovorom o njoj nije osvešćena na ravni vaspitno-obrazovne strategije. Studenti Fakulteta za obrazovanje učitelja i vaspitača u Beogradu u vezi s tim su pokazali zapitanost nad sledećim situacijama: 1. kako detetu odgovoriti na pitanje šta je smrt; 2. kako reagovati kad dete pokazuje promene u ponašanju povodom smrti kućnog ljubimca, 3. da li i kako tumačiti tekst u čijem je fokusu član porodice koji je preminuo detetu iz grupe, 4. da li i kako razgovarati s decom o smrti u slučaju kad se dođe na zamenu u grupu u kojoj je preminuo vaspitač. Tim povodom, anketiranjem su prikupljena mišljenja vaspitača (n=132), a potom smo kvalitativnom analizom odgovora došli do sistematizacije postojećih strategija i formulisali preporuke za dalji rad. Odgovori vaspitača pokazuju da oni poznaju raznovrsne strategije kad je reč o razgovoru s decom na temu smrti, da često deci daju jasne odgovore u vezi s njom, da poznaju pojedine mehanizme utehe u kriznim situacijama, da prepoznaju važnost verbalizacije emocija i da poseduju svest o različitim faktorima koje treba imati u vidu. Napredak na ovom polju mogao bi pak da se sastoji u nezaobilaženju teme smrti, izbegavanju metaforičnih odgovora i promišljanju o kvalitetu sećanja na preminulog.

Opis (srp)

Abstract: The conceptualization of death in children begins in early childhood. However, the need to discuss it is not systematically recognized as part of the educational strategy. Students from the Faculty of Education in Belgrade expressed concerns regarding the following situations: 1) how to respond to the question of what death is; 2) weather and how to react when a child shows behavioral changes due to the death of a pet; 3) whether and how to interpret a text focusing on a relative who has passed away for a child in the group; 4) whether and how to talk to children about death when joining a group in which the educator has passed away. In this regard, opinions of educators (n = 132) were gathered through surveys, and then, by qualitative analysis of responses, existing strategies were systematized and recommendations for further work were formulated. The responses of educators indicate that they are familiar with various strategies when it comes to talking with children about death. They often provide clear answers to children regarding this topic and are knowledgeable about certain comfort mechanisms in crisis situations. They recognize the importance of verbalizing emotions and possess an awareness of different factors that should be taken into consideration. On the other hand, progress in this field could involve not avoiding the topic of death, refraining from metaphorical responses, and reflecting on the quality of memories of the deceased.






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Keywords: death education; preschool education; speech development methodology; thanatology

Ključne reči: metodika razvoja govora; obrazovanje o smrti; predškolsko vaspitanje; tanatologija

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