Naslov (eng)

Architectural and urban study on possible transformation and potentials of the bank of the canal Danube-Tisa-Danube in Novi Sad


Slavković, Branko
Dragović, Danilo
Hasanbegović, Enis
Zećirović, Lejla
Alcan, Melisa

Opis (eng)

Abstract: In the domain of architecture and urbanism, the waterside is a very signifi cant concept. The riverfront has, through history to this day, shown to be something that can only contribute to the prosperity of a city in several aspects and allow the development of urban structures and different city forms, while the choice of approach in planning and space organization and content provides integration of city and water. This paper aims to research and defi ne the factors that are infl uencing the activation of urban space along the river and their development depending on the specifi city of the local environment. Based on a survey in which residents of different profi les (ages, professions, gender…) who live in this area were included, this paper analyses what contents and activities they lack in everyday life. Also, following the obtained data, potential locations for the development of active urban space were mapped. This imposes the hypothesis that is to ensure an active and quality urban public space, should be considered the needs of people, which, as previously stated, depending on the local environment and habits they own in a certain place. The contribution of this paper is refl ected in the creation of guidelines for activating the urban space on the riverfront, as well as promoting and exploiting its potential. This will show the importance of the waterside as an active urban public space that leads to the revitalization of the area and socialization of people, as well as the creation of an authentic visual identity.






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Keywords: river bank, urban public space, people participation, DTD Canal.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru