Naslov (eng)

Transformation of architecture and urbanism due to change of gender roles in society


Alcan, Melisa
Aleksić, Julija
Hasanbegović, Enis
Zećirović, Lejla
Dragović, Danilo

Opis (eng)

Summary: Giving certain spaces, architectural features and layouts the quality of "femininity" or "masculinity" had a strong impact on cultural and sociological shifts. In this paper, we will examine the historical nature of these shifts and how the architecture can direct the position of all genders towards equality.The subject of the paper is the transformative value of architecture and urbanism induced by gender changes in society, as well as overcoming gender with the aim of segregation decrease.The purpose of the paper is a chronological examination of architecture and urbanism through both feminist and gender theory. The goal is also to debunk the linguistic and cognitive premise that compares specific architectural spaces with the female body (and dedicate it to it) and some others we liken with the male`s build. The paper will demonstrate the architectural transformation through the women's movement, as well as the transformation through the reduction of the sociological difference between private and public spheres.






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Key words: gender equality, feminism, machism, transformation, architecture, public, private.

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o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru