Naslov (srp)

Problemi nastave muzičкe кulture u mlađim razredima osnovne šкole na području šкolsкe uprave Novi Pazar


Никшић, Нака


Srpska akademija obrazovanja – Beograd, Učiteljski fakultet u Vranju Univerzitet u Nišu i Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače „Mihailo Palov”– Vršac

Opis (eng)

Summary: In order to identify the current problems in teaching music culture in the Novi Pazar region and find solutions to overcome them, and therefore to improve teaching, we conducted an empirical study on a sample of 100 teachers from the territory of Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Tutin. Comparative, descriptive and content analysis methods were used in the research. According to the problem and goal of the topic, as a relevant research technique we used a survey with a suitable research instrument - a questionnaire for teachers. The results of the research show that 57.4% of schools do not have an instrument with chordal accompaniment, and even 85.71% of them have instruments from Orff's instrumentarium, and that both, where they exist, are not always available to teachers. All schools have CD players and internet, but they are not always available to teachers either. A certain number of teachers (as many as 40%) are dissatisfied with the textbook sets for this subject, because they do not contain CDs with recorded music material. As many as 75% of the surveyed teachers believe that they possess sufficient musical and methodical competences in the field of teaching methods of musical culture, and only 25% of them need to strengthen their methodical competences in this field. As many as 77% of the investigated teachers point out that the pedagogue, and 80% of them that the counselor and counselor-counselor never visited their music culture classes. The results of the research also show that none of the examined teachers has ever attended a seminar or any other form of training in the field of musical culture teaching methodology. After the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research results, conclusions were drawn and specific proposals were given for overcoming the existing problems.

Opis (srp)

Rezime: Sa ciljem identifikovanja aktuelnih problema u izvođenju nastave muzičke kulture u novopazarskom kraju i pronalaženja rešenja za njihovo prevazilaženje, a samim tim i unapređenjem nastave, sproveli smo empirijsko istraživanje na uzorku od 100 učitelja sa teritorije Novog Pazara, Sjenice i Tutina. U istraživanju su korišćene komparativna, deskriptivna i metoda analize sadržaja. Shodno postavljenom problemu i cilju teme, kao relevantnu tehniku istraživanja primenili smo anketu uz odgovarajući instrument istraživanja – upitnik za učitelje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da 57,4% škola ne poseduje instrument sa akordskom pratnjom, a čak 85,71% instrumente Orfovog instrumentarijuma, te da, jedni i drugi, tamo gde postoje nisu uvek dostupni učiteljima. U svim školama postoje CD plejeri i internet, ali oni učiteljima, takođe, nisu uvek dostupni. Određeni broj učitelja (čak 40%) je nezadovoljan udžbeničkim kompletima za ovaj predmet, jer u njima nema CD-a sa snimljenim muzičkim materijalom. Čak 75% ispitivanih učitelja smatra da poseduje dovoljno muzičkih i metodičkih kompetencija iz oblasti metodika nastave muzičke kulture, a samo 25% njih ima potrebu za jačanjem svojih metodičkih kompetencija iz ove oblasti. Čak 77% istraživanih učitelja ističe da pedagog, a 80% njih da savetnik i savetnik-saradnik nikada nisu posetili njihove časove muzičke kulture. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju i da niko od ispitivanih učitelja nikada nije bio ni na jednom seminaru ili bilo kom drugom obliku usavršavanja iz oblasti metodike nastave muzičke kulture. Nakon kvantitativne i kvalitativne analize rezultata istraživanja, izneseni su zaključci i dati konkretni predlozi za prevazilaženje postojećih problema.






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Кljučne reči: nastava muzičke kulture, mlađi razredi osnovne škole, učitelji, Školska uprava Novi Pazar.

Key words: music education, younger elementary school children, teachers, Novi Pazar school district.

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