Naslov (eng)

Global trends in trade development with special reference to the EU and Serbian market


Petković, Goran
Bogetić, Zoran
Dokić, Aleksa
Stojković, Dragan

Opis (eng)

Abstract The key trends explaining the majority of changes in modern marketing channels are: Change from a simple channel to a coordinated omnichannel marketing; Changing the relationships with customers aimed at creating a superior customer experience, personalization and customization; Stopping the trend of increasing the average store size and restructuring the retail network; Technological changes and the emergence of new communication channels (social networks); Digit(al)ization of business, applications and databases in the cloud; Market change - labor market and market competition with dramatic geopolitical changes; A turn towards sustainability in all three components: economic, social and environmental sustainability. The transformation of trade in the European Union is currently lagging behind the processes in the USA and some other developed economies. Greater investments are expected, especially at the level of large corporations. The three areas of transformation of trade and marketing channels, foreseen by EU documents, are: sustainability, digital transformation and transformation of skills and talent. Statistical reporting on market processes plays an important role in the development of markets and market institutions. The most sensitive and complex area of transition of the Serbian economy refers to the development of a modern market structure and marketing channel, necessary to connect the domestic economy with the economy of the European Union. In the previous period, significant efforts were made to correct the deformations in these channels, such as the overemphasized development of wholesale trade. The trends, however, were often opposed to the development trends of marketing channels in the European Union






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Key words: omnichannel, personalization, digitalization, sustainability, skills

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