Naslov (srp)



Gligorijević, Mirjana
Janičić, Radmila

Opis (eng)

Abstract. The subject of the paper about development and future in the field of higher education is review of the scientific literature, in order to analyse implementation of marketing in higher education, as well as, and idicate the further direction of its development. The objectives of the review are to collect and critically analyse current research literature of marketing in higher education, identify gaps in the research literature and make reccomendation for firther research in t of this area. The methodology is review of relevant is based on areviev data base on the business management and the education. The results of the paper show that the potential benefits of applying marketing theories and concepts are greadually being recognized in the field of higher education marketing. The literature of higher education marketing is in develop, incogerent and lacking in theoretical models that reflect the particular context of higher education and nature of its services. On the other hand, this is the field that is developing rapidly, and has great breakthroughs in the field of marketing strategies, digital environment and development of the international approach in the future of the higher education.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Predmet rada razvoj i budućnost marketinga u oblasti visokog obrazovanja je pregled naučne literature, u cilju da se istraži primena marketinga u visokom obrazovanju, kao i da i ukaže na dalje pravce razvoja visokog obrazovanja. Ciljevi pregleda literature su da se prikupi i kritički analizira trenutna istraživačka literatura o marketingu visokog obrazovanja, utvrdi obim marketinga visokog obrazovanja, da se identifikuju gepovi u istraživačkoj literaturi i da se daju preporuke za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Metodologija rada zasnovana je na pregledu relevantnih baza podataka o poslovnom menadžmentu i obrazovanju. Rezultati rada pokazuju da potencijalne koristi od primene marketinških teorija i koncepata postepeno se prepoznaju i u oblasti marketinga visokog obrazovanja. Literatura o marketingu visokog obrazovanja je u razvoju, nekoherentna je i nedostaju joj teorijski modeli, koji odražavaju poseban kontekst visokog obrazovanja i prirodu njihovih usluga. Sa druge strane, ovo je oblast koja se brzo razvija i ima velike prodore u oblasti marketing strategije, digitalnog okruženja i razvoja međunarodnog pristupa u budućnosti visokog obrazovanja.






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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 4.0 International License.


Keywords: higher education, marketing in higher education, strategies, digital environment

Ključne reči: visoko obrazovanje, marketing visokog obrazovanja, strategije, digitalno okruženje.

Deo kolekcije (1)

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