Naslov (srp)



Živanović, Milutin
Janjić, Jovana
Ribić, Maja
Uskoković, Veljko

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Grupno finansiranje (engl. crowdfunding), kao poseban segment ekonomije deljenja, relativno je mlad fenomen. Pažnju istraživača posebno privlači ispitivanje toga koji faktori motivišu bekere da, putem određene digitalne platforme, stave na raspolaganje novčana sredstva onima kojima su ta sredstva potrebna kako bi se finansirao određeni projekat. Cilj rada je analiza i testiranje razlika između dve široko definisane grupe motiva: motiv za kreiranjem ličnog brendinga i motiv za ostvarivanjem materijalnih koristi, i to na nivou celog uzorka, kao i na nivou užih kategorija definisanih na nivou različitih socio-ekonomskih grupa ispitanika. Za potrebe ostvarenja tog cilja sprovedeno je anketno ispitivanje. Rezultati sprovedene analize ukazuju da, na nivou celog uzorka i većeg broja užih kategorija, postoji statistički značajna razlika u motivima za učešće u grupnom finansiranju, u smislu da su (potencijalni) bekeri dominantno motivisani ostvarivanjem određenog oblika materijalne koristi u poređenju sa izgradnjom ličnog brendinga.

Opis (eng)

Apstract: Crowdfunding, as a special segment of the sharing economy, is a relatively young phenomenon. The researchers' attention is particularly drawn to the examination of factors that motivate backers to offer funds through a certain digital platform to those who need them, in order to finance a certain project. The aim of this paper is to analyze and test the differences between two broadly defined groups of motives: the motive for creating personal branding and the motive for gaining material benefits, both at the level of the entire sample, as well as at the level of narrower categories defined for different socio-economic groups of respondents. In order to achieve that goal, a survey was conducted. The results of the conducted analysis indicate that, at the level of the entire cause, as well as at the level of a larger number of narrower categories, there is a statistically significant difference in the motives for participation in group financing, in the sense that (potential) backers are dominantly motivated by achieving a certain form of material benefit compared to building personal branding.






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Keywords: motives, backers, crowdfunding

Ključne reči: motivi, bekeri, grupno finansiranje

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:28218 Ekonomski fakultet