Naslov (eng)

Correspondence of teaching and affective styles of students as a factor of success of gifted people

Naslov (srp)

Korespondentnost nastavnih i afektivnih stilova kao faktor uspeha darovitih studenata


Гојков, Грозданка
Сузић, Ненад
Стојановић, Александар


Vršac : Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače "Mihailo Palov" ; Arad : Univerzitet de Vest "Aurel Vlaicu"

Opis (eng)

Summary: The aim of this exploratory study is to use the method of systematic nonexperimental observation to explore the relationship between teaching and affective styles, i.e. their correspondence, in order to answer the question about the importance of affective style for the success of gifted students, i.e. on the influence of it on self-regulation and academic talent, and thus on the connection between cognition and emotions in self-regulation procedures. As part of this, answers are sought to the questions: what is the relationship between affective styles, teaching styles and academic performance, or how different in affective styles are students with ‘high academic achievement’ (academic gifted) from other students; what is the significance of affective styles for high achievements in relation to self-confidence, metacognition and personality traits as factors of self-regulation, i.e. academic success and what are their mutual relations. The theoretical framework consists of Sternberg's theory of successful intelligence, Bandura's socio-cognitive perspective (Bandura, 1977), elements of the Theory of Self-Regulation (Deci, & Ryan, 2002) and Mayer and Salovey's model of EI as the original ability to interact between emotions and cognition. The respondents are academically gifted students of the universities in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis (N=420, of which 20% are academically gifted - with an average grade above 9.5). Instruments: I-NSFSU inventory for recording teaching styles (Stojanović and Gojkov, 2021), MAI-inventory on metacognition, MARCI-test of reasoning and memory (Kleitman, & Stankov, 2007), Big 5 - for measuring personality traits; UZI-style-inventory for recording affective styles (Suzić, 2008). Basic findings: 1. There is a weak positive association between a balanced affective and flexible and e-learning style, and a weak negative association with a negative teaching style. Associations with the assessment are of low intensity. The Reasons of Competence scale has a significant connection with the assessment. 2. There are significant differences between academically gifted and other students on the impulsivity scale. Other students achieve significantly higher scores on the impulsivity scale compared to academically gifted students. 3. Although it did not reach statistical significance, in the case of negative valence, the t-test indicates a tendency towards differences, with other students having slightly higher scores than academically gifted ones. Balance as an affective style is negatively associated with stiffness and impulsiveness.

Opis (srp)

Rezime: Cilj ove eksplorativne studije je da metodom sistematskog neeksperimentalnog posmatranja sagleda odnos nastavnih i afektivnih stilova, odnosno korespondentnost istih, kako bi se došlo do odgovora na pitanje o značaju afektivnog stila za uspeh darovitih studenata, tj. o uticaju istog na samoregulaciju i akademsku darovitost, a time i o povezanosti kognicije i emocija u postupcima samoregulacije. U sklopu ovoga traga se za odgovorima na pitanja: u kakvom su odnosu afektivni stilovi, nastavni stilovi i akademska uspešnost, ili koliko se razlikuju u afektivnim stilovima studenti s’ visokim akademskim postignućima (akademski daroviti) od ostalih studenata; kakav je značaj afektivnih stilova za visoka postignuća u odnosu na samopouzdanje, metakogniciju i crte ličnosti kao faktore samoregulacije, odnosno akademske uspešnosti, i kakvi su njihovi međusobni odnosi. Teorijski okvir čini Sternbergova teorija uspešne inteligencije, Bandurina socijalno-kognitivna perspektiva (Bandura, 1977, 1991, 1993), elementi Teorije samoregulacije (Deci, & Ryan, 2002) i model Mayera i Saloveya po kome je EI određena kao izvorna sposobnost, koja se odnosi na interakcijske procese između emocija i kognicije. Ispitanici su daroviti studenti univerziteta u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu (N= 420, od čega je 20%) akademski darovitih – sa prosečnim uspehom iznad 9,5). Instrumenti: I-NSFSU – inventar za snimanje nastavnih stilova (Stojanović i Gojkov, 2021), MAI – inventar o metakogniciji, MARCI-test rezonovanja i pamćenja (Kleitman, & Stankov, 2007), Velikih 5 – za merenje crta ličnosti; UZI-stil – inventar za snimanje afektivnih stilova (Suzić, 2008). Osnovni nalazi: 1. Postoji slaba pozitivna povezanost između uravnoteženog afektivnog i fleksibilnog i e-nastavnog stila, i slaba negativna povezanost sa negativnim nastavnim stilom. 2. Povezanosti sa ocenom su slabog intenziteta. Sa ocenom značajnu povezanost ostvaruje skala Kompetencije za rezonovanje. 3. Postoje značajne razlike između akademski darovitih i ostalih studenata na skali impulsivnost. Ostali studenti ostvaruju značajno više skorove na skali impulsivnost u odnosu na akademski darovite studente. Iako nije dostigao statističku značajanost, u slučaju negativne valence t-test ukazuje na tendenciju ka razlikama pri čemu ostali studenti imaju nešto više skorove od akademski darovitih. Uravnoteženost kao afektivni stil je negativno povezan sa stilovima zakočenost i impulsivnost.






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Key words: the gifted, affective styles, teaching styles.

Ključne reči: daroviti, afektivni stilovi, nastavni stilovi.

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