Naslov (eng)

Josephson coupling through ferromagnetic heterojunctions with noncollinear magnetizations


Pajović, Z.
Božović, Miloš
Radović, Z.
Cayssol, J.
Buzdin, A.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: We study the Josephson effect in clean heterojunctions consisting of ferromagnetic bilayer between superconductors. We solve the scattering problem based on the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation for any relative orientation of in-plane magnetizations, arbitrary transparency of interfaces, and mismatch of Fermi wave vectors. Both spin singlet and triplet superconducting correlations are taken into account, and the Josephson current is calculated as a function of the ferromagnetic layers thicknesses and of the angle α between their magnetizations. Dramatic impact of spin triplet superconducting correlations on the Josephson effect is not found in the clean limit.

Opis (eng)

The work was supported in part by the French ECO-NET EGIDE Program, and by the Serbian Ministry of Science, Project No. 141014






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Keywords: Josephson effect; Spin triplet correlations

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