Naslov (srp)

Jugoslovensko-rumunski odnosi: (1954-1968) : doktorska disertacija


Mitrović, Nemanja, 1994-


Cvetković, Vladimir, 1972-
Dimić, Ljubodrag, 1956-
Radojević, Mira, 1959-
Životić, Aleksandar, 1981-

Opis (eng)

The dissertation entitled Yugoslav-Romanian Relations 1954-1968 aimed to shed light on an important stage in the bilateral relations of the two countries and to contribute to the argumentation of various hypotheses put forward in the hitherto fragmentary research on Yugoslav-Romanian relations during the period of socialism. The time frame indicated in the title was chosen because it represents a unique period of reconstruction and development of cooperation after the interruption caused by the conflict between Yugoslavia and Cominform The years that form the framework of the dissertation were chosen for several reasons. The delay of normalization in Romania led to the choice of the following year instead of the usual 1953, while the last year was chosen because the peak of political cooperation was reached in 1968, stimulated by the circumstances of the intervention of the five Warsaw Pact countries in Czechoslovakia. After a brief overview of the main events that established the myth of Serbian-Romanian friendship in the 19th century, the post-World War II period is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the conflict between Josip Broz Tito and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin the years 1948-1953, which was necessary for a better understanding of the problems that had to be solved in the process of normalization of cooperation between Yugoslavia and Romania. In the treatise, much space is given to the political relations in the Belgrade-Bucharest-Moscow triangle. In the 1950s, due to the decisive influence of the Kremlin on the appointment of the Romanian leadership towards the FNRJ, and then as a factor in the rapprochement of the two states on the principles of defense against Soviet hegemony. Since the leitmotif of Romanian policy - cooperation on an equal footing and the development of relations with the West - was reflected in the bilateral sphere, it was necessary to place it in a wider international context. In order to present the relations in their entirety, special emphasis was placed on the development of Yugoslav-Romanian cooperation in the economic, cultural, scientific and socio-political spheres. The situation at the border, the question of cooperation at the border, the position of Yugoslav and Romanian minorities in the two countries and other topics were analyzed. The life of the Yugoslav minority required special attention because of repressive measures such as the deportation of the population, the imprisonment of prominent representatives of the minority, the closure of cultural institutions and the abolition of mother-tongue schools. This period was characterized by cooperation in the field of Iron Gate. The study of the possibilities and negotiations on the construction of hydroelectric power plants and navigation systems depended on the development of general relations, since expensive and large interstate projects such as this require good and stable bilateral relations. Finally, issues that can influence the development path and the shaping of the general atmosphere were also analyzed. In addition to the heads of state of the two countries, Josip Broz, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, and Nicolae Ceausescu, and their mutual relations, the work of embassies, political parties, and propaganda and information organs was also covered. The dissertation is based on unpublished material from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Archives of Yugoslavia, the Military Archives, the Archives of Serbia and others. Then on published archival material in Serbia and Romania, diaries, memoirs, journals, as well as on relevant Serbian, Romanian and foreign scientific literature.

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija pod naslovom Jugoslovensko-rumunski odnosi (1954–1968), imala je za cilj da rasvetli jednu važnu etapu u bilateralnim odnosima dve države i doprinese argumentaciji različitih hipoteza, koju su dosadašnja fragmentarna istraživanja iznela o jugoslovensko-rumunskim odnosima u periodu socijalizma. Vremenski okvir koji je dat u naslovu, izabran je jer predstavlja jedinstven period ponovnog građenja i razvijanja saradnje, nakon prekida proisteklog iz sukoba Jugoslavije sa Informbiroom. Godine koje su date kao graničnici disertacije, izabrane su iz više razloga. Rumunsko kašnjenje u normalizaciji, uticalo je da se umesto uobičajene 1953, uzme naredna godina, dok je krajnja izabrana jer je u 1968. godini dostignut vrhunac političke saradnje, stimulisan okolnostima intervencije pet zemalja Varšavskog pakta u Čehoslovačkoj. Nakon kratkog osvrta na ključne događaje, koji su u 19. veku stvorili mit o srpsko-rumunskom prijateljstvu, data je analiza perioda nakon Drugog svetskog rata. Posebna pažnja posvećena sukobu Josipa Broza Tita i Josifa Visarionoviča Staljina, 1948–1953, bila je potrebna zbog boljeg razumevanja problema, koje je trebalo rešiti u procesu normalizacije saradnje Jugoslavije i Rumunije. U radu je prilično prostora dato političkim odnosima u trouglu Beograd–Bukurešt–Moskva, tokom 50-ih godina, zbog presudnog uticaja Kremlja na postavljanje rumunskog rukovodstva prema FNRJ, a zatim kao faktora zbližavanja dve države na principima odbrane od sovjetskog hegemonizma. Budući da se lajtmotiv rumunske politike – saradnja na ravnopravnoj bazi i razvijanje odnosa sa Zapadom, odražavao na bilateralnu sferu, bilo je neophodno i smeštanje u širi međunarodni kontekst. Kako bi se odnosi prikazali u celosti, poseban akcenat stavljen je na razvoju jugoslovensko-rumunske saradnje u privrednoj, kulturnoj, naučnoj i društveno-političkoj sferi. Analizirano je stanje na granici, pitanje pogranične saradnje, položaj jugoslovenske i rumunske manjine u dvema zemljama i drugo. Život jugoslovenske manjine zahtevao je posebnu pažnju zbog sprovođenja represivnih mera, poput deportacije stanovništva, zatvaranja istaknutih predstavnika manjine, gašenja kulturnih institucija i ukidanja škola na maternjem jeziku. Pečat ovom periodu dala je saradnja u đerdapskom sektoru. Proučavanje mogućnosti i pregovori oko izgradnje hidroenergetskog i plovidbenog sistema, bili su uslovljeni razvojem celokupnih odnosa, jer su skupi i veliki međudržavni projekti, poput ovog, zahtevali dobre i stabilne bilateralne veze. Na kraju, analizirani su i subjekti koji su mogli da utiču na razvojni put i stvaranje opšte atmosfere. Pored lidera dve države, Josipa Broza, Georgiju Deža i Nikolae Čaušeskua, i njihovih međusobnih odnosa, dotaknut je i rad ambasada, partija, ali i propagandno-informativnih organa. Disertacija je zasnovana na neobjavljenoj građi iz Diplomatskog arhiva Ministarstva inostranih poslova Republike Srbije, Arhiva Jugoslavije, Vojnog arhiva, Arhiva Srbije i drugih. Zatim, na objavljenoj arhivskoj građi u Srbiji i Rumuniji, dnevnicima, memoarima, periodici, kao i na relevantnoj srpskoj, rumunskoj i stranoj naučnoj literaturi.

Opis (srp)

Istorija - Istorija Jugoslavije / History - History of Yugoslavia Datum odbrane: 01.06.2023.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, 1945-2006.

Yugoslavia, Romania, bilateral cooperation, Josip Broz Tito, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Nicolae Ceausescu, communist parties, minorities

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, 1945-2006.

Jugoslavija, Rumunija, bilateralna saradnja, Josip Broz Tito, Georgiju Dež, Nikolae Čaušesku, komunističke partije, manjine