Naslov (srp)

Farmakognozijsko ispitivanje podzemnih organa srpske velistike Ferula heuffelii Griseb. ex Heuffel (Apiaceae)


Pavlović, Ivan N., 1980-


Petrović, Silvana, 1968-
Milenković, Marina, 1963-
Radenković, Mirjana

Opis (srp)

Predmet doktorske disertacije je analiza hemijskog sastava i ispitivanjefarmakološke aktivnosti izolata (etarskih ulja, hloroformskog i metanolnog ekstrakta imetabolita) podzemnih organa srpske velestike, Ferula heuffelii Griseb. ex Heuffel(Apiaceae). Srpska velestika je endemična vrsta koja naseljava klisure i stenovite tereneistočne Srbije, jugozapadne Rumunije i zapadne Bugarske. Ova vrsta do sada nijeispitivana u pogledu hemijskog sastava i farmakološke aktivnosti.Etarska ulja podzemnih organa F. heuffelii izolovana su iz uzoraka prikupljenihna tri lokaliteta u Republici Srbiji: Sićevačkoj klisuri, Đerdapskoj klisuri i klisuri rekePek. Etarska ulja su izolovana destilacijom vodenom parom i hemijski okarakterisanametodama GC-FID i GC-MS. Etarsko ulje izolovano iz podzemnih organa poreklom izSićevačke klisure (F1) bilo je bogato seskviterpenima (48,7%) i fenilpropanima(17,0%), a glavni sastojak bio je elemicin (12,5%). Etarska ulja izolovana iz podzemnihorgana prikupljenih u Đerdapskoj klisuri (F2) i klisuri reke Pek (F3), karakterisao je visoksadržaj fenilpropanskih jedinjenja (56,0 i 29,7%, redom), pri čemu su elemicin (35,4 i16,8%, redom) i miristicin (20,6 i 12,9%, redom), bili najzastupljenije komponente.Razlike između ispitivanih etarskih ulja bile su pre svega kvantitativne prirode (...)

Opis (srp)

Farmacija - Farmakognozija / Pharmacy - Pharmacognosy Datum odbrane: 18.03.2015.

Opis (eng)

The scope of this doctoral dissertation represents chemical analysis ofunderground parts of Ferula heuffelii Griseb. ex Heuffel (Apiaceae), and investigation ofpharmacological activity of its isolates (chloroform and methanol extracts, essential oilsand metabolites). Ferula heuffelii („srpska velestika“) is an endemic and rare perennialspecies which grows predominantly in gorges and stony places in Eastern Serbia, andlocally in Southwestern Romania and Western Bulgaria. This plant has not beenpreviously investigated for chemical composition and pharmacological activity.The essential oils of underground parts of F. heuffelii were isolated from thesamples collected from three localities in Serbia: the Sićevo Gorge; the Djerdap Gorgeand the gorge of the river Pek. The oils were isolated by hydrodistillation in aClevenger-type apparatus and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS methods. The oil fromunderground parts obtained from the Sićevo gorge (F1) was rich in sesquiterpenehydrocarbons (48.7%) and phenylpropanoids (17%), and elemicin was the majorconstituent (12.5%). The oils isolated from underground parts collected in the Djerdapgorge (F2) and in the gorge of the river Pek (F3), were characterized by high content ofphenylpropanoids (56.0 and 29.7%, respectively), with elemicin (35.4 and 16,8%,respectively) and myristicin (20.6 and 12,9%, respectively) being the main compounds.The differences in chemical composition between the essential oils were mainlyquantitative (...)






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Ferula heuffelii, ekstrakti podzemnih organa, seskviterpeni, seskviterpenski kumarini, fenilpropani, farmakološka aktivnost

Ferula heuffelii, secondary plant metabolites, sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpene coumarins, phenylpropanoids, pharmacological activity