Naslov (eng)

Radioactivity in soil from region Donji Milanovac, NP Djerdap in 2018-2020


Čučulović, Ana
Radaković, N.
Nestorović, Saša
Čučulović, Rodoljub
Stanojković, Jelena


Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT From June 2018 to 2020, 87 soil samples were collected from 10 locations in the National Park Djerdap, region Donji Milanovac. The radionuclide content (Bq kg) in collected soil was: for 40K 80.6-1005; 238U 7.4-60.2 and 232Th 5.3-13.1. The apsorbed dose rate in air (nGy h) on the territory of NP Djerdap is in the range of 18.5 to 98.8, with an avarage value of 53.6. Values of the external gamma dose were in the range of expected values and close to the average values in the world. The mean value of the annual effective dose in the region Donji Milanovac is 0.066 mSv and is lower than the mean value in the world.






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National Park Djerdap, Donji Milanovac, radionuclides, soil

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:25140 Radovi Instituta za primenu nuklearne energije - INEP