Naslov (srp)


Naslov (eng)

Efects of the Self-Talk strategy in mental training of athletes


Kahrović, Izet
Radenković, Oliver
Mavrić, Fahrudin
Murić, Benin

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Istraživanja i svakodnevna sportska praksa pokazuju da su psihološke veštine faktor od kojih u najvećoj meri zavisi hoće li sportista iskoristiti svoj potencijal. Pred značajne sporske događaje sportisti su, najčešće, vrlo napeti, što negativno deluje na njihov uspeh, pa iako su dobro „pripremljeni“ ne postižu željene sportske rezultate. Razgovor sa samim sobom ( self-talk) je različito definisan kod različitih istraživača, te samim tim ne postoji jedinstvena definicija koja bi nam bila na raspolaganju. On je definisan kao ''ono što ljudi kažu samome sebi bilo naglas, bilo u vidu malog glasa u njihovoj glavi.'' Istraživanja na ovu temu pokazuju da uspešniji sportisti koriste više pozitivnog self-talk-a u poređenju sa manje uspešnima. Na osnovu dosadašnjih istraživanja može se zaključiti da se self-talk obično tretirao kao integralni deo celokupnog mentalnog treninga, tj. da se u praksi vrlo često koristio u kombinaciji sa ostalim psihološkim strategijama (npr. imaginacija, relaksacija, postavljanje ciljeva). Nasuprot tome, danas imamo nemali broj empirijskih istraživanja koja su obezbedila dokaze o efikasnosti nezavisne self-talk tehnike u različitim sportskim disciplinama. Dakle, postoji pristojan broj studija koje potvrđuju pozitivne efekte self-talk-a, a odnose se na poboljšanje performansi sportista, poboljšanje samopouzdanja, kao i smanjenje anksioznosti u različitim vrstama sporta, uključujući tenis, fudbal, golf, plivanje, košarku, hokej na ledu i atletiku.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Before major sporting events athletes are usually very tense, which has a negative effect on their success, and even though they are " well prepared " they do not achieve the desired results in sports. It often happens that talented athletes do not succeed in their sports career despite the good conditions of work, talent, hard work and professional work of their coaches. Conversation with oneself (self -talk) is defined differently by different researchers, and therefore there is no single unified definition that would be available to us. It is defined as something '' that people say to themselves out loud, or it can be defined as a small voice in their own heads'' Research on this topic shows that successful athletes use more often positive self -talk in comparison to the less successful athletes. Based on previous research, it can be concluded that self -talk is usually treated as an integral part of a comprehensive mental training , i.e. that in practice it was very often used in combination with other psychological strategies (e.g., imagery, relaxation , goal setting). In contrast, today we have a large number of empirical studies which have provided evidence on the effectiveness of the independent self -talk technique in various sports disciplines. Thus, there is a decent number of studies that confirm the positive effects of self - talk, and relate to improving athletic performance, improvement of self-confidence, as well as reducing anxiety in different kinds of sports, including tennis, football, golf, swimming, basketball, ice hockey and athletics.






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Keywords : mental training, self-talk, athletes.

Ključne reči: mentalni trening, samogovor, sportisti.

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