Naslov (eng)

Vergebliches Warten? Badiou, Event, and Humane Emancipation in Music


Matejić, Bojana

Opis (eng)

Abstract:The polemic on waiting for human emancipation in music belongs to the mod­ ern aesthetic plane,where Adorno's and Heidegger's manuscripts occupy a specific place. However, while Heidegger's ontology of the waiting implies waiting for the metaphysics of presence (Will), Adorno maintains that music should rather express ''waiting in vain" (vergebliches Warten) by its spatio-temporal structuration, given that "after Auschwitz" philosophy with metaphysical assumptions is no longer possible.Inthe light of Adorno's modem interpretation of waiting in vain,my aim is to examine Badiou's conception ofthe Event-Subject in music. The thesis of this paper is that Adorno's concept of waiting in vain expresses defeatism of the known (perseverance-of-self) - which, due to its own character of filled affect of disappointment,does not leave time-space for newness.On the trail ofBadiou's ontology of subtraction, I oppose the conception of affirmative, non-es­ chatological, chiliastic expectation ("swplus of waiting") to the passive waiting in vain mmus1c.






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Keywords: Vergebliches Warten (''waiting in vain"), non-eschatological, chiliastic expec­ tation, Event, Subject of music, Wagner, Adorno, Badiou

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