Naslov (eng)

Normalization of Health Records in the Serbian Language with the Aim of Smart Health Services Realization


Avdić, Aldina
Marovac, Ulfeta
Janković, Dragan

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The development of information technology increases its use in various spheres of human activity, including healthcare. Bundles of data and reports are gen- erated and stored in textual form, such as symptoms, medical history, and doctor's observations of patients' health. Electronic recording of patient data not only facili- tates day-to-day work in hospitals, enables more ecient data management and reduces material costs, but can also be used for further processing and to gain knowledge to improve public health. Publicly available health data would contribute to the devel- opment of telemedicine, e-health, epidemic control, and smart healthcare within smart cities. This paper describes the importance of textual data normalization for smart healthcare services. An algorithm for normalizing medical data in Serbian is proposed in order to prepare them for further processing (F1-score=0,816), in this case within the smart health framework. By applying this algorithm, in addition to the normalized medical records, corpora of keywords and stop words, which are specic to the medical domain, are also obtained and can be used to improve the results in the normalization of medical textual data.






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Keywords: telemedicine; e-health; epidemic control; smart healthcare; medical data mining.

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o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru