Naslov (srp)

Виц о Јеврејима у интернет изворима (хумор и рат)

Naslov (eng)

A joke about the jews on the internet (humor and war)


Попин, Александра Р.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The aim of the paper has been to determine the thematic-motive cores of jokes about the Jews on the Internet and to compare them with selected, so far collected, and published material. The corpus consists of 160 jokes, found during 2020 on 18 Internet sites/pages. It has been determined that out of the total number, only 22 jokes do not thematize the Holocaust, although Hitler is mentioned in 5 jokes in this group. Thus, in 88% of jokes, the Jews are placed in the same context. Comparing the material consisting of jokes from the first and second half of the 20th century, with ours, which refers to the end of the 20th and the first decade of the 21st, it can be concluded that earlier stereotypes about the Jews have been almost completely replaced with the stereotypical image – the Jews and the Holocaust. The interest of one smaller segment of the paper is in reference to the reception of these jokes based on comments and brief discussions of users. Very few visi tors are annoyed by such content. Instead of a conclusion, in the end, a series of questions open to discussion has been left, to which, perhaps, answers could be obtained with the help of more extensive interdisciplinary research. Has the audience become indifferent to the Holocaust? Is a joke entitled to everything? Has the size of the Jewish community in this area influenced the fact that only the Holocaust is what we associate with it? Does current history activate a certain culture of memory?

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Циљ рада био је утврђивање тематско-мотивских језгара вицева о Јеврејима у изво рима на Интернету, те њихово поређење са одабраном, досад публикованом грађом. Корпус сачињава 160 вицева, пронађених током 2020. године на 18 сајтова/страница. Утврдили смо да од укупног броја 88% вицева тематизује Холокауст, тако да, поредећи грађу коју чине вицеве из прве и друге половине ХХ века са нашом, која се односи на крај ХХ и прве деценије ХХI, можемо рећи да су ранији стереотипи о Јеврејима готово у потпуности замењени стереотипном сликом – Јевреји и Холокауст.






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Keywords: Jews, the other, joke, the culture of memory, Holocaust, war, humor

Ključne reči: Јевреји, другост, виц, култура сећања, Холокауст, рат, хумор

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