Naslov (eng)

Regional Disparities in Serbia


Molnar, Dejan

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Serbia is a country with emphasized regional disparities that have been increased in recent years. Territorial differences that exist in Serbia are among the largest in Europe. Nevertheless, regionalization and regional policy issues do not have an appropriate place in domestic public policies. One of the consequences of neglecting this issue is that Serbia uses European funds insufficiently, in order to ensure a balanced regional development. Occasional and discordant activities aimed at supporting the development of underdeveloped areas provide only sporadic and insufficiently sustainable results. It is especially interesting to see the inter-regional (between NUTS 2) and intra-regional (between NUTS 3 within NUTS 2) disparities, considering demographic and economic regional differences and using such indicators which can show the extent of regional disparities in Serbia. It is undoubtedly indicated that regional policy in Serbia needs fast reaffirmation. In doing so, the focus should be on the EU’s Cohesion Policy, in particular from the point of view of its mechanisms and measures that are aimed at reducing regional inequalities.






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Keywords: Regionalization, Inter- and intra-regional disparities, Regional policy, EU Cohesion Policy

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