Naslov (eng)

Serbian Economy – History, Transition and Present


Mitrović, Đorđe

Opis (eng)

Abstract: After liberation from the Ottoman rule, Serbia was primarily focused on building its internal political system, while most of its economy relied on primary sector activities such as agriculture and mining. During the First World War, Serbia suffered enormous material damage and human victims which additionally slowed down its economic development. Serbian economy development in the period between the two world wars was the consequence of ad hoc economic policies, with no long-term plans or government guaranties that the economic well-being of wider population would improve. Immediately after the Second World War, Serbia (as part of the former Yugoslavia) became a centrally planned economy with predominantly state-owned property. However, unlike other Central and Eastern European countries, the market economy elements were, more or less successfully, introduced in Serbia within the framework of socialist economy model. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbian economy transition to a complete market economy model was evolving in two phases. The 1990–2000 period was characterized by wars, international isolation of Serbia and high material and human losses. After the democratic changes in the year 2000, Serbia begins its journey of a new economic development in compliance to the standards of the European Union accession.






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Keywords: Macroeconomy, Еconomic growth, Еconomic development, Еconomic history, Тransition

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