Naslov (eng)

The influence of the training model on the development of the Anthropological characteristics of karatists

Naslov (srp)

Uticaj modela treninga na razvoj antropoloških karakteristika Karatista


Mujanović, Rifat
Mojsilović, Zoran
Mujanović, Dino

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The main objective is to determine the effects of the karatists’s training model on the development of anthropological characteristics of the experimental group. The subject of the research are morphological characteristics, motor and functional abilities of karate students of the experimental group. The subject of researchis also the model of adaptive physical training exercises. The problem of the research is the examination of the statistically significant impact of the training model on the improvements of certain anthropological characteristics of the experimental group. The sample was consisted of 104 students training karate that are studying at the State University of Novi Pazar, between the ages of 19 and 22 years. The entire sample of the respondents was divided into two subsamples: The first subsample consists of 40 respondents defined as the experimental group. This group was covered by the training model on the development of anthropological characteristics, three times a week for 60 minutes in total duration of twelve weeks. The second subsample of 64 respondents is the control group. This group was covered by the training model in their karate clubs, three times a week for 60 minutes in total duration of twelve weeks. The work related to the realization of the experiment was set so that each group of subjects can implement 36 training hours. Seven anthropometric measures, twelve motor and three functional tests were applied at the initial and final measurement in both of the group of respondents. The analysis of covariance showed that the experimental groups at the final measurement is statistically significantly different with higher level of morphologicalcharacteristics, motor and functional abilities from the respondents of the control group.

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Osnovni cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje efekata modela treninga karatista na razvoj antropoloških karakteristika kod eksperimentalne grupe. Predmet istraživanja su morfološke karakteristike, motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti karatista eksperimentalne grupe. Predmet istraživanja predstavlja i model treninga adaptivnih telesnih vežbi. Problem istraživanja je ispitivanje statistički značajnog uticaja modela treninga, na poboljšanja određenih antropoloških karakteristika eksperimentalne grupe. Uzorak ispitanika čine 104 studenta karatista Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru, uzrasta od 19 do 22 godine. Celokupni uzorak ispitanika bio je podeljen na dva subuzorka: Prvi subuzorak čine 40 ispitanika definisani kao eksperimentalna grupa. Ova grupa je bila obuhvaćena modelom treninga na razvoj antropoloških karakteristika, tri puta nedeljno po 60 min, u trajanju od dvanaest nedelja. Drugi subuzorak sa 64 ispitanika čini kontrolnu grupu. Ova grupa je bila obuhvaćena trenažnim procesom u svojim karate klubovima tri puta nedeljno po 60 min, u trajanju od dvanaest nedelja. Rad u procesu realizacije eksperimenta bio je postavljen da svaka grupa ispitanika realizuje 36 trenažnih časova. Primenjeno je na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju kod obe grupe ispitanika sedam antropometrijskih mera, dvanaest motoričkih i tri funkcionalna testa. Analiza kovarijanse je pokazala da se eksperimentalna grupa na finalnom merenju statistički značajno razlikuje većim nivoom morfoloških karakteristika, motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti od kontrolne grupe ispitanika.







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Ključne reči: eksperimentalna i kontrolna grupa karatea, obučena ideja, antropološke karakteristike, analiza varijance, diskriminiisana analiza i analiza kovarijanse.

Keywords: experimental and control group of the karatists, training model, anthropological characteristics, analysis of variance, discriminant analysis and analysis of covariance

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru