Naslov (eng)

Crime of Failure to Provide Maintenance - Theoretical and practical aspects -

Naslov (srp)

Krivično delo nedavanje izdržavanja - teorijski i praktični aspekti


Ćorović, Emir

Opis (srp)

Sažetak : U prvom delu rada ukazano je na zakonsku dužnost izdržavanja predviđenu Porodičnim zakonom Republike Srbije, na okolnost preventivnog značaja inkriminisanja neispunjenja ove dužnosti, kao i činjenicu da je problematika vezana za nedavanje izdržavanja bila predmet IX međunarodnog kongresa za krivično pravo. U drugom delu rada analizirani su elementi bića krivičnog dela nedavanja izdržavanja iz čl. 195 Krivičnog zakonika. Akcenat je stavljen na koncept radnje izvršenja i njen odnos sa supsidijarnim karakterom krivičnopravne zaštite. Pored toga ukazano je na prirodu dela, elemente krivice kod istog, odnos sa krivičnim delima zapuštanje ili zlostavljanje maloletnog lica i kršenje porodičnih obaveza, kritički je razmotren njegov teži oblik itd. Problematika dela je posmatrana kako sa teorijskih, tako i sa praktičnih pozicija. U poslednjem, trećem delu rada autor predlaže izvesne korekcije u biću krivičnog dela nedavanja izdržavanja iz čl. 195 Krivičnog zakonika. In the first part of the paper the author speaks about legal duty to providing maintenance which is prescribed in Family law act of The Republic of Serbia, about preventive importance of criminalizing failure to provide maintenance, and the fact that the problems about failure to provide maintenance were analyzed on the IX International Congress for Criminal Law. In the second part of the paper, the author analyzes elements of the crime of Failure to Provide Maintenance from art. 195. Criminal code of The Republic of Serbia. Stress is put on work of commission and its relations with subsidiary character of crime law protection. Furthermore, it hints the nature of this crime, elements of guilt, its relations with crimes of Neglecting and Abusing a Minor and Violation of Family Duty, with critical analyzes of its graver form etc. Problems of this crime are analyzed from theoretical and practical aspects. In the last, the third part of the paper, the author gives his proposal de lege ferenda about this crime.

Opis (eng)

Abstract : In the first part of the paper the author speaks about legal duty to providing maintenance which is prescribed in Family law act of The Republic of Serbia, about preventive importance of criminalizing failure to provide maintenance, and the fact that the problems about failure to provide maintenance were analyzed on the IX International Congress for Criminal Law. In the second part of the paper, the author analyzes elements of the crime of Failure to Provide Maintenance from art. 195. Criminal code of The Republic of Serbia. Stress is put on work of commission and its relations with subsidiary character of crime law protection. Furthermore, it hints the nature of this crime, elements of guilt, its relations with crimes of Neglecting and Abusing a Minor and Violation of Family Duty, with critical analyzes of its graver form etc. Problems of this crime are analyzed from theoretical and practical aspects. In the last, the third part of the paper, the author gives his proposal de lege ferenda about this crime.






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Ključne reči: Nedavanje izdržavanja; izbegavanje davanja izdržavanja; supsidijarni karakter krivičnopravne zaštite; nečinjenje; trajno krivično delo; produženo krivično delo; zapuštanje ili zlostavljanje maloletnog lica; kršenje porodičnih obaveza; teži oblik.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru