Naslov (eng)

Organizational determinants as antecedent factors of export marketing strategy archetypes of agri-food firms : a three country analysis


Radojević, Predrag
Manić, Slavica
Churlei, Edward
Hatzithomas, Leonidas
Suluburić, Adam

Opis (eng)

Abstract Purpose: This paper researches export marketing strategy (EMS) archetypes of agri-food exporters and organizational determinants that pose as their antecedent factors, using resource-based, dynamic capabilities and contingency theories as theoretical framework in a multi-county research setting. A twofold objective is specified – to explore hitherto used EMS and to examine differences between agri-food exporters based on organizational determinants. Design/methodology/approach: Comparative research design, quantitative methodology, an etic/emic approach, descriptive and causal data analyses were employed. EMS archetypes were portrayed on radial plots, while six hypotheses were tested using MANOVA. Findings: The tactical coordinator was identified as a universal EMS archetype. Diversity of archetypes was found as results of the effect of organizational determinants, confirming their ambivalent impacts rooted in the resources, capabilities and contingencies exporters have to face. Research limitations/implications: Main limitations arise from the sample choice in international business, concentration only on organizational determinants, survey as a data collection technique and reliance on self-report data from managers. Nevertheless, several theoretical and practical implications are defined. Originality/value: To the authors’ knowledge, this paper is the first to apply the EMS archetype perspective to the agri-food industry in a developing country context and in an economic crisis context. Its multi-theory approach is supplemented with researched countries' national culture perspective and institutional background to extend understanding of agri-food firms' EMS archetypes.






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Keywords: Agri-food industry; Belarus; Export marketing strategy archetype; Greece; Organizational determinants; Serbia

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