Naslov (srp)

O Bitefu, pandemiji i novim formama

Naslov (eng)

On Bitef, the pandemic, and new forms


Medenica, Ivan


Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt Namera ovog rada je da predstavi tri egzemplarna projekta koja su prikazana ili će biti prikazana na Bitefu (Beogradski internacionalni teatarski festival) i koja mapiraju tri generička odgovora savremenog pozorišta na ograničenja prouzrokovana pandemijom koronavirusa, ali i na izazove nametnute globalnom ekološkom krizom. Ne sme da se zaboravi da je ova pandemija rezultat uništenja globalnog ekosistema. Pored njihovog uzročno- posledičnog odnosa, ekološka kriza i pandemija povezane su, iz ugla pozorišta i festivala, i sličnim ograničenjima koja nameću. Pored rizika koji nosi fizičko okupljanje, drugi izazov su međunarodna putovanja, naročito ona avionom. Tri egzemplarna pozorišna odgovora na ekološku krizu i pandemiju su: a) predstave-franšize, b) predstave na internetu, c) zamena živih tela robotima.

Opis (eng)

Abstract The idea of this paper is to present three exemplary projects which were shown or will be shown at Bitef (Belgrade International Theatre Festival) and which map three generic responses by contemporary theatre to limitations caused by the coronavirus pandemic, but also to the challenges imposed by the global ecological crisis. It must not be forgotten that this pandemic has resulted from the destruction of the global ecosystem. Besides their causal relation, the ecological crisis and the pandemic are linked, from the point of view of theatre and festivals, by the similar restrictions they impose. Apart from the risk of physical gathering yet another challenge are international travels, especially by airplane. The three exemplary theatre responses to the ecological crisis and the pandemic are: a) franchise performances, b) performances on the Internet, and c) substituting live bodies with robots.






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predstave-franšize, onlajn pozorište, roboti, pandemija, ekološka kriza

franchise performances, online theatre, robots, pandemic, ecological crises

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