Naslov (eng)


Naslov (srp)

Tržište organske hrane u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana


Semir, Vehapi
Zenaida, Šabotić

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Tržište organske hrane u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana je u ranoj fazi razvoja sa preovladavajućim simptomima još uvek nerazvijenog tržišta. U cilju identifikovanja ključnih determinanti bržeg razvoja tržišta Zapadno- balkanskih zemalja, u radu su analizirani tržišni faktori, i to: faktori na strani ponude i faktori na strani tražnje. Pri tom je posebna pažnja posvećena analizi ponašanja potrošača kao glavnih pokretača tražnje. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se pojedinačna tržišta u ovom regionu ipak nalaze u različitim stadijumima razvoja, od nerazvijenih tržišta sa niskom stopom rasta i malom zastupljenošću organske proizvodnje, do tržišta u nastajanju sa bržim tržišnim rastom i većim brojem proizvođača organske hrane. Pored uočene razlike u pogledu stadijuma tržišnog razvoja, pojedinačna tržišta Zapadnog Balkana imaju niz zajedničkih karakteristika, te su u zaključku date preporuke za razvoj efikasnih marketing strategija.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Organic food market in the Western Balkans is at an early stage of development with prevalent symptoms of an undeveloped market. In order to identify the key determinants of a faster development of the West Balkans’ market, the paper deals with the analysis of the market factors: the ones on the side of the supply and the others on the side of the demand. In this regard, a special attention is payed to the customers’ behavior analysis, since they are the main initiators of the demand. The analysis’ results show that individual markets in this region are found at the different stages of development, from undeveloped markets with low growth rates and low organic production, to emerging markets with a faster market growth and more organic food producers. Besides the noted difference regarding the stage of market development, individual markets of the Western Balkans have a range of common characteristics. Thus, the recommendations for the development of efficient marketing strategies are given in the conclusion.






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Ključne reči: Organska hrana,Tržište, Zapadni Balkan, Potrošači

Key words: Organic food, Market, Western Balkans, Consumers

Deo kolekcije (1)

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