Naslov (eng)

The Effects of Covid-19 Pandemics on Changes in Shopping Behavior across Different Market Segments


Bogetić, Zoran
Petković, Goran
Stojković, Dragan
Dokić, Aleksa

Opis (eng)

Abstract: With the spread of COVID-19 across the world global trade was decreased and many Global Value Chains (GVC) disrupted, especially in the trade of COVID-19 related products, since individual economies have significantly extended trade barriers. Goods were needed on the market, but regular supply did not function well, as open markets and small shops closed down, and service providers and consumers locked down. Owners of goods had surplus of limited duration, while consumers, locked in homes, panicked and tried to make purchases, oftentimes of inadequate products and quantities. Some attempts to install an emarket and e-commerce at the national and enterprise levels have been made. Poor functioning of these new institutions indicates that additional optimizations are needed since the physical delivery of goods was not organized, or was very difficult and costly. Changes in behaviour of two groups in marketing channels during pandemic were identified in literature: customers and retailers. The research is aimed to identification of changes in demand and customer behaviour concerning point of shopping. Using multiple channels has been known before pandemic. Research question was how COVID-19 influenced customer choice of shopping channel, and was this behaviour different across different segments of the population..






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Keywords: COVID-19, shopper behaviour, retail, e-commerce

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