Naslov (eng)

Corporate disinvestment as a factor of operational performances and market value of companies

Naslov (srp)

Korporativno dezinvestiranje kao faktor poslovnih performansi i tržišne vrednosti preduzeća


Šabotić, Zenaida
Vehapi, Semir
Lekpek, Ahmedin

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Predmet ovog istraživanja je proces dezinvestiranja i njegov uticaj na poslovne performanse i tržišnu vrednost preduzeća. Istraživanje se zasniva na pregledu relevantne strane i domaće literature koja se bavila pitanjem dezinvestiranja i njegovim uticajem na poslovni uspeh i tržišnu poziciju preduzeća. Cilj istraživanja je da se na osnovu pregleda relevenatne literature sagleda pravac uticaja procesa dezinvestiranja na poslovne performanse i tržišnu vrednost preduzeća. Rezultati pregledanih istraživanja pokazuju da dezinvestiranje ima pozitivan uticaj na poslovne performanse i tržišnu vrednost preduzeća ukoliko je inicirano od strane investitora-akcionara i sprovedeno dobrovoljno i na strateški način, na efikasnom finansijskom tržištu i u stabilnom poslovnom okruženju, od strane menadžmenta sposobnog da taj proces efikasno sprovede i uspešno upravlja preostalim poslovima.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of disinvestment and its impact on business performance and market value of the company. The research is based on a review of relevant foreign and domestic literature that has dealt with the issue of disinvestment and its impact on business success and market position of the company. The aim of the research is to see the direction of the impact of the divestment process on the business performance and market value of the company, based on a review of the relevant literature. The results of the reviewed research show that disinvestment has a positive impact on business performance and market value of the company if it is initiated by investors and shareholders and conducted voluntarily and strategically, in an efficient financial market and stable business environment. able to effectively implement the process and successfully manage the remaining business.






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Ključne reči : dezinvestiranje, akcionari, menadžeri, poslovne performanse preduzeća, tržišna vrednost preduzeća

Keywords: disinvestment, shareholders, managers, operational performances of companies, market value of companies.

Deo kolekcije (1)

o:28516 Radovi nastavnika i saradnika Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru