Naslov (srp)

Razvojna politika Srbije u 2020 : Analiza efekata politike subvencionisanja investicija na unapređenje tehnološke strukture domaće privrede


Filipović, Milorad
Nikolić, Miroljub

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Brzina i održivost privrednog rasta i razvoja neke zemlje u najvećoj meri je određena obimom i strukturom (kvalitetom) investiranja. Na obim i strukturu investicija utiče veliki broj faktora, odnosno gotovo sva deša- vanja u nekoj privredi, tako da su investicije odraz ne samo dostignutog nivoa razvoja, već i slika efikasnosti, konkurentnosti i perspektivnosti neke privede. Kako su investicije ključni faktor rasta i razvoja, većina zemalja aktivnim merama ekonomske politike nastoji da poveća njihov obim i poboljša njihovu strukturu u cilju jačanja konkurentnosti nacionalne privrede na globalom tržištu i njene dugoročne održivosti. U tom smislu, od posebne važnosti je unapređenje tehnološke strukture investicija jer ona određuje tehnološke i proizvodne performanse, odnosno izvozni potencijal neke privrede u srednjoročnom i dugoročnom periodu. U skladu sa tim, cilj rada je da se detaljno analizira politika subvencionisanja investicija u pogledu njenog uticaja na jačanje i unapređenje tehnološkog nivoa privrede, razvoja i primene novih, naprednih tehnologija i stvaranja veće dodate vrednosti i rasta zaposlenosti po tom osnovu. Na osnovu dostupnih podataka može se istaći da je postojeći sistem podsticanja investicija podbacio u domenu podizanja tehnološkog nivoa domaće privrede, dok su efekti na planu zapošljavanja relativno pozitivni. Na bazi sprovedene analize u zaključku se daju preporuke za izmene sistema podsticaja koji bi vodio značajnijim investicijama u visoko inovativne, tehnološki složenije i dugoročno konkurentnije proizvodnje.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The speed and sustainability of a country‘s economic growth and development is largely determined by the volume and structure (quality) of investment. The volume and structure of investments are influenced by a large number of factors, that is, almost all developments in an economy, so that investments are not only a reflection of the level of development achieved, but also an image of the efficiency, competitiveness and prospects of the economy. As investment is a key driver of growth and development, most countries seek to increase their size and improve their structure through active economic policy measures, with the goal to enhance the competitiveness of the national economy in the global market and its long-term sustainability. In this sense, it is of particular importance to improve the technological structure of investments because it determines the technological and production performance, that is, the export potential of an economy in the medium and long run. Accordingly, the aim of the paper is to analyze in detail the policy of subsidizing investments in terms of its impact on strengthening and improving the technological level of the economy, developing and implementing new, advanced technologies and creating increased value added and employment growth on that basis. On the basis of available data, it can be pointed out that the existing system of investment stimulation has underperformed in the domain of raising the technological level of the domestic economy, while the effects on the employment plane are relatively positive. Based on the analysis, the conclusion provides recommendations for changes in the incentive system that would lead to significant investments in highly innovative, technologically more complex and more competitive production in the long run.






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